Replacements - Unsatisfied (Audio Only) video free download

Duration: 04:07
Uploaded: 2010/07/01

The Paul Westerberg classic "Unsatisfied" from the 1984 Replacements album Let It Be.


9 years ago

Angel Garcia

'Too far down' on Minnieapolis....

9 years ago

huxley buxley

NOLA Here I come ,,,,,,

9 years ago

Agnes Philomena

An underground classic. Absolute poetry. Very moving and powerful. Kills the pain.Bob Stinson, rest in peace. If you can, pray for me.

9 years ago

Agnes Philomena

Where is the justice?!How could well-crafted and heartfelt howl at the moon not have been BLASTING from the top FM rock stations in the 1980s?!The clowns running some of these places were stuck running in endless circles playing the same "classic" rock.

9 years ago

I'm THAT guy...

I never knew it was on "That's my Boy"... I discovered it on adventureland

9 years ago

roberta panzeri

Canzone della seraStamane li abbiamo incidentalmente nominati. Questa fu una band per tre o quattro dischi letteralmente fantastica. Uno dei capisaldi del rock americano anni 80. Influentissimi e trascinanti. Disco magnifico da scoprire. E canzone struggente.Replacements - Unsatisfied (Audio Only)

9 years ago

Marlene Kuntz

Canzone della seraStamane li abbiamo incidentalmente nominati. Questa fu una band per tre o quattro dischi letteralmente fantastica. Uno dei capisaldi del rock americano anni 80. Influentissimi e trascinanti. Disco magnifico da scoprire. E canzone struggente.Replacements - Unsatisfied (Audio Only)

9 years ago

Agnes Philomena

How can I look you or anyone in the eye? I'm an e-slave kept busy staring blankly at my god and master . . . errr . . . I mean my screen.

9 years ago

Agnes Philomena

Yes, Professor, and they ROCK!

9 years ago

Agnes Philomena

It's great the way they barreled ahead in their songs, weren't too fussy and excessively polished or over-produced. Very muscular rock, not slavishly aping formulas from either the cheesy MTV scene or the stale, arrogant poseurs of "classic" rock. The brothers Stinson: raw talent: the lead guitarist had unique, memorable, non-cliche riffs, and the bassist pounded along with him like a sledge hammer, timed perfectly and added massive, all-encompassing wall of sound. And, of course, Westerberg can HOWL at the moon cathartically and let out all the alienation, estrangement, rage, detachment, scorn, wry humor, and self-a basement.

10 years ago

christo pappageorge

So good...

10 years ago


Toad the Wet Sprocket worked the chorus of this into a live version of "Know Me" (one of their best) I saw them play in concert once. I loved the early Toad stuff, before they got mainstream and squishy/soft. I was in heaven, really. A very lonely, empty, post teen angst sort of heaven... but, you know...

10 years ago

Ben Zimmerman

how did they sell less than 50,000 records wtf

10 years ago

Ben Zimmerman

Yes but you still have to respect his work and genius r.i.p curt

10 years ago


Do let us know how it was PLEAZE!!!!

10 years ago


What a great song!! Honestly, 1984 is one of my all time favorite years for music. Let It Be, Zen Arcade, Ride the Lightning, the Smiths' first album, the Unforgettable Fire, Ocean Rain, Reckoning, Powerslave....,ugh, I could go on forever. 1984 was an excellent year for alternative/indie rock and heavy metal.

10 years ago



10 years ago

Christopher Maxie II

I. Can't. Wait. To. See. Them. In. Chicago. I am crying at the thought of it.

10 years ago

Matt N

The best song ever written. Seriously.

10 years ago

Michael Marrotti

This makes me wanna have an unpleasant orgasm.

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