Christy Moore - Dunnes Stores video free download

Duration: 03:52
Uploaded: 2008/05/18

Christy Moore - Dunnes Stores


9 years ago


Check out this video on YouTube:

9 years ago

Ralph McKay

everyone the same black white,,,, give the people there freedom let there children in to a play park rem 1960/70/80/90 

10 years ago

Domnall Ó

Ah Dunnes get yer shit together

10 years ago

Kevin Ryan

I had the great fortune of seeing Christy Moore play this song live in 1989 in Kilarney. It was fantastic live as he played it near the end of the show and the sweat was pouring out of the man as he played so hard as if the devil himself was chasing him. I looked for this song on every album and couldn't find it so on a whim tonight what'd ya know. Google and YouTube are like UPS... They deliver again! Awesome!!!

10 years ago

Daniel Christen

There is no apartheid in Palestine, only fools tell such a nonsense. Such a claim is insulting South African apartheid victims!!!

11 years ago

maura viel

good grief....

11 years ago

Totoro Neighbor

follow that response with an explanation of how any of your comments justify the apartheid and ethnic cleansing policies of the Israeli government. Or does your hasbra commission not cover the time required for facts, only enough for assertions? ^^

11 years ago

Totoro Neighbor

your hasbra is getting very tired. you have sources for any of your assertions? ^^

11 years ago

Adi Koplewitz

May I suggest you get rid of your camera phone (invented in Israel) all Microsoft office programs you have (Israeli programmers) and the intel processor in the computer through which you're being such an idiot?

11 years ago


OMG!!! Turkey is a TURK country. The people are TURKS! NOT ARABS. Wow, you've really stepped in the shit haven't you. I knew you were dumb. I just had to tease the stupidity out of you. "Turkey is an Arab country"... You fucking twat. They don't even speak Arabic in Turkey, they speak TURKISH. I've been to Istanbul, I have TURKISH friends. This will be my last response to you, you uneducated TWAT. Go learn some history and some geography. "Turkey is an Arab country"... Fucking tool. Go home, lol

11 years ago


Every single country I just named are Arabic you fucking mongo, check them up you fucking stupid fucker. All practicing Muslims not jews. If the jews owned that land there would be more jews than Muslims you fool. You are trying to say I am uneducated, yet you didn't have a clue that Turkey is Arab country that is trying to get in to the Arab league hahaha laughable is all I will say. Look at were Israel is then look at the Arab country's around it. It does not belong to the jewish people.

11 years ago


Wow, you're an idiot. You think everyone is Arab, lol. Where did you learn your geography? They must have really bad schools up north. Probably spend most of class time trying to behave stupid brats like you. You know nothing about the world, or about history. Did you not know that it was the ARAB inquisition that brought Muslim Arabs to Israel. Then the Ottoman Empire. Same as what the Muslims did to Spain. But I guess you don't know anything about that either. It's like arguing with a child.

11 years ago


You fucking Idiot many of my friends have been to the Lebanon on peace keeping missions. I have seen the damage from Their bombs. Brain washed in to what ? the truth ? your a fucking Idiot now delete your youtube account now and find the nearest cliff and fuck yourself off it you fucking dumb bastard!! you actually annoy me with your stupidity. You never answered me about all them other Muslim country's that surround Israel ? Yeah exactly , Israel was never a country on till after ww2 you fool

11 years ago


You really don't think your arguments through, do you? Turkey is an Arab country now too is it? Go back to school, child. By your argument, if Arabs were to move to Ireland, you'd let them rename it Irelandistan and happily live under Sharia law. Ireland has always had traits of antisemitism, and you really are proof of that. It's a complete lack of education and narrow mindedness. I bet you've probably never travelled further than a package holiday to Tenerife, if even that. Grow up little boy.

11 years ago


Yeah yeah, you're boring me now with all this calling me Jewish crap. I could go on and on calling you a Muslim Palestinian, but it's pointless and I can make a better argument than you without having to stoop to childish name calling and racism. I won't even bother telling you anything about myself. You're just another uneducated, brainwashed fool. Talking crap about Israel firing rockets into Gaza, when in reality it's the Gazans that are firing rockets into Israel every day. Sad.

11 years ago


You my friend have to take your head out of your ass. It is very clear you are Jewish. It is funny how every country in the world are trying to put bans and sanctions on Israel for occupying Palestine land and launching rockets in to the Gaza strip. The Jews never had their own country. Sure they where slaves to the Egyptians. What is Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Libya, Jordan? they are all Arabs and Muslim should they not be there ? fuck off you fucking Hebrew prick. You know nothing.

11 years ago


I'm not a religious person and I don't care for your biblical stories. I'm basing my theory on the fact that Judaism began in Israel. One thing you need to realise, JEWS ARE SEMITES. The Muslim "Palestinians" are ARABS!!! Where do Semites come from? The Israel/Lebanon region. Where do Arabs come from? ARABIA. Two different places, two different cultures. Learn your history. Jews have always lived in the region of Israel. They have every right to live there in their own country.

11 years ago


You are wrong cause it was Joshua who lead the jew to the so called promise land. If you knew anything, you would know that Joshua invaded Canaan, ever hear of the battle of Jericho? I guess not cause you just like talking the talk but you know jack shit. You are no Irish man!!! You are a Judas true and true. They have no right to hold six counties of Ireland under British rule. Just so you know Ireland was not apart of Britain on till the act of union learn your fucking history.

11 years ago


Well the Irish never had their own country to start with either, it was always part of the UK. And if you learn your history you will know that Judaism began in Israel. Jews had historically lived in Israel, until Arabs invaded. Just like when the British invaded the Island of Ireland. And I have no problem with Northern Ireland being part of the UK. They have every right. Again, learn your history. You sound like some frustrated IRA terrorist. How Palestinian... But you've got your ideas wrong.

11 years ago


The jews never had their own country for starters. They got handed land by England after ww2. So there is your argument gone straight away. What fucking planet are you living on ? The jews are invading Palestine. Clearly your a jew cause only a jew, would argue this point. Israel is not occupying any country are you fucking blind from wanking too much? Or are you really that fucking stupid ? We still don't have a country, how can you call the 26 counties a country can you count? 32 then we are.

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