Trance - Cambodia video free download

Duration: 05:18
Uploaded: 2009/11/03

Artist - Base Unique

Song - Cambodia


6 years ago

Sebastian Rodriguez

Me gusta la letra. Es muy poética. Su significado es muy tortuoso por lo demás y está más claro que echarle agua. El tabú: Un cowboy glasé de tacón pintado. Una reina sin identidad, sin carnet, de ambiguos dorados. Todo un debut... Y existen. Están ahí, de pie. En un mundo aparte. ¿Que clase de rareza son...Duendes tal vez? ¿O serán servidores de dios, angeles. Como todo hombre que obra bien. Cantos de alabanza al señor? Debería ser, pero no. La fortuna del ambiguo: No ser reconocido en este mundo ni aceptado y rechazado en el otro, en los cielos. Tal vez algun dia sea diferente... Por ahora solo noches de melancolía y anónimos deseos... Por cierto me encanta eso de vivir en anónimo deseo. Saludos desde chile!!

6 years ago


I really like this one the music any way. It feels like the kind of music old Dos games would use. but with lyrics.

7 years ago


Since am Asian, Cambodian, and American thx for this song.

9 years ago


Prefer the original version.But this one's still good though.

9 years ago

Nico Fritzler

the melody is nearly se same as El Dorado from two steps from hell

9 years ago

judge x

hinagiku so hooooot!

9 years ago

Andrew Lugavere

I could have left Cambodia before 1975, but I didn't consider it because I had no idea the Khmer Rouge would be so cruel. I was in my fifth year of medical school at the time. My father was a surgeon and he wanted one of his children to become a doctor. I agreed because practicing medicine is a service."Lieng's husband was also a medical student and they had 2 young children. The Khmer Rouge ordered them to move into a work camp."For four years I lived like a slave. At first my job was to dig out tree stumps, which was very difficult work. Later I was assigned the miserable task of making compost from human feces. In 1976 there were 20 families living in my village. One by one they were killed. By 1977, only four families in our village were left. Terrified that we would be the next to die, we focused solely on our work and never spoke to each other."In 1979 the Vietnamese ousted the Khmer Rouge and Lieng returned home."As soon as I arrived in Phnom Penh I went directly to my old house hoping to find my relatives, but no one was there. I walked through the empty house and saw that most things were just as we left them, four years ago. Our books on Buddhism were still on the shelf, along with my husband's class notes. A Vietnamese soldier came in and told me that no one was permitted to live in that area. As I was leaving, I stopped and wrote a message to my family on the front gate saying that I had come looking for them."No one read the message. Everyone in Lieng's family had died including her parents, her husband and her sisters."After the Khmer Rouge regime there were only forty doctors left in the country. Nearly all the older doctors had died, so we had no specialists or experts. There wasn't a single psychiatrist in Cambodia. Only eighteen out of the fifty medical students in my class survived, and I was the only woman. I went back to medical school and graduated in nine months because Cambodia desperately needed doctors. I became director of a hospital's emergency and recovery rooms. Some of my colleagues worked in Cambodia for a while and then went to live abroad because the conditions here were so terrible..."In 1992 I passed the entrance exam to get a postgraduate degree in anesthesiology and went through a three-year program with nine other doctors, studying under a visiting French expert at the University of Phnom Penh. It was more difficult to remember the lessons because I am older. I finished school at age fifty, which is retirement age, but I agreed to work and teach in the medical school for six years."Lieng wanted to do this because there was only one trained anesthesiologist in all of Cambodia."I don't worry as much as I used to. I feel satisfied knowing that I chose a good husband for my daughter. My son is studying at the Institute of Agriculture, and he will get a job when he graduates. I just continue to work hard and am patient, because to be human is to always have problems, big or small. People see that I am strong and solid, like a stone, but my heart is very soft."

9 years ago

Dragon Bane

Yea lemons!!!

9 years ago

Unethical Rationalist

1.25x speed. Thank me later :*

9 years ago


So, did he fly bombs over Cambodia? What do you guys think?

9 years ago


Old classic

9 years ago

Michelle H

this song is so sad, if you listen to it

10 years ago


I can picture a bunch of Bronys dancing to this song..

10 years ago


I came for the picture, then I came on the picture.... just kidding :P

10 years ago

Sandler Sieturan

The music is great I love it plus the girl isn't that bad either

10 years ago


What an ugly bitch.

10 years ago


The remix of the song is great, the girl is gorgeous. What else do you need for 515 thousand views )

10 years ago

dave hedgehog

this is by pulsedriver

10 years ago


This is her smile -> :3

10 years ago


why does anime and trance go so well together?

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