The Velvet Teen - Four Story Tantrum video free download

Duration: 05:43
Uploaded: 2011/05/04

she lives in a four story tantrum

for a long face

the house that her parents hand-crafted for her

a trashcan, a toilet is all that she sees inside

outside a world that doesn't know her riddle

she doesn't need much besides the clothes on her floor

and solace in someone with softer remarks

the courage to be by herself and be okay this time

she just doesn't want to remember at all

so don't tell me i'm wrong or right

consider yourself for once

leave me alone to wrap myself up in my fantasies

snap me in half, burn me alive

i'll suffer it all for the consequences are nothing at all / just tell it starts all over now

life's too hard sometimes

you give it your all

and all that you get is tired

the more that you spend

the more all your friends begin

to see you erased

chastised and chaste from them

don't you fear, don't give up

it's too late for now, but don't give up

it's too late, but don't you fear, don't give up

she lives in a four story tantrum

for a long face

and outside there's no one and nothing


9 years ago


Hi stealing thanks for introducing me to velveteen.

11 years ago


one of my favorite songs of all time..."so much, it just hurts..."

12 years ago


play listed

12 years ago


most beautiful song ever. so, so beautiful and emotional. It moves my heart how many times I listen to it.

13 years ago


probably my favorite song of theirs next to 'A Captive Audience' (Elysium, 2004). This's one of those rare super pretty yet soul-crushing songs which is extra brutal live. If you're ever fortunate enought to go and see them play, It's worth every penny or inconvenience. they're EXCEPTIONAL live. They're probably better live than in the studio, which is a rarity.

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