The Unthinking Majority - Serj Tankian [Lyrics] video free download

Duration: 03:47
Uploaded: 2010/10/03

Lyrics video for The Unthinking Majority

Serk Tankian

Elect The Dead

The Unthinking Majority

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8 years ago

Matej Kramár

I always hear "making life more tolerable, making life more dollarable"

8 years ago



9 years ago


We dont need your democracy excute the kindly for me take them by theiry filthy nostrils put them up in doggy hostles.Start a revolution against the clintons

9 years ago

Jose Ventura

I take zoloft for depression and anxiety.

9 years ago

miri ach.

I can't stand the way that I feel and think when I'm not on antidepressants. I don't care if that makes me fake, it's better than feeling so hopeless and constantly wanting to be dead. 

9 years ago

Lickle Nevermore

don't just listen to the song....

9 years ago

bojil sanya


9 years ago

Dragon Knight

Anyone wanna start a revolution

9 years ago


That last part were Serj's vocals are combined super reminds me of Bad Religion

9 years ago

So Dou

Does Serj oppose the use of anti-depressants? I think that taking medication that has a relatively high likelihood of relieving and treating your illness is not the product of "unthinking;" in fact, there's a great deal of sense to it. I love Serj, but he seems to be taking the harsh "pill-popper" attitude towards the mentally ill, insinuating here that people who suffer from depression are only depressed because they refuse to think their way into happiness, and that taking anti-depressants is an act of ignorance and submission. As a depressed person, I would like to share that depression is an illness, not a mental state. It is not, as many non-depressed people have assured me, a choice, or a myth, or a personal weakness, or a card for attention and sympathy. It is a real, devastating illness which affects the whole world and which claims the lives of a million people each year. I don't know whether Serj has ever suffered or watched loved ones suffer the slow and humiliating defeat of the soul that is depression, but the famished desperation that drives the global consumption of anti-depressants is absolutely no matter for our condescension. Yes, the help that anti-depressants brings depressed people is, at best, accidental, and comes with many known and studied risks; make no mistake, they are not perfect. They are overpriced and belong to a multibillion-dollar industry that propagandizes their usefulness. But you know what? They save more lives each day than does the stigma which surrounds depression, a stigma which actually kills people by shaming them away from the doctor while quietly freeing it to destroy their mind, body, and--ultimately--soul.It is this stigma which is the true ill of the unthinking majority--a lethal ignorance, and I have absolutely no tolerance for it...

9 years ago


Be careful you do not over-interpret either, or youll get the wrong meaning. 

9 years ago


Be careful you do not over-interpret either, or youll get the wrong meaning. 

9 years ago


And people are fed antidepressents to keep us ignorant and stupid. Its just bad drugs, not medicine and your foolish if you believe otherwise. Antidepressents are one the top worst pills you can be taking. Research information if you wanna know. Dont ask other people because theyll just have their own opinion to tell you as if its fact

9 years ago


And people are fed antidepressents to keep us ignorant and stupid. Its just bad drugs, not medicine and your foolish if you believe otherwise. Antidepressents are one the top worst pills you can be taking. Research information if you wanna know. Dont ask other people because theyll just have their own opinion to tell you as if its fact

9 years ago


Lol. This is the most straight forward lyrics of what hes talking abput you shouldnt have to interpret it. If your educated and aware of reality you already know what he says. Maybe one metaphorical lyric in the whole song. Hes mocking the fact people have to take horrible antidepressents to make life nice, because they cant have the strength to get over it. And hes talking about America making lies about other countries having a bombs to justify us invading them and taking over all their oil. And much more than just oil. You have to be ignorant to not understand what these straight forward lyrics. Lmao come on dude.

9 years ago

Susie Lopez

I think about this song every morning when I take my prozac

9 years ago

Fishers of Men Ministries

1:44 my favorite part.

9 years ago

Sidney Rees

Serj's lyrics are always quite encrypted. Ive figured out a couple of the meanings of SOAD's songs and one of Serj's but thats it. If anyone has the time, could you explain what this song's about and how? Much appreciated.

10 years ago

Austino Holsinger

Brave New World

10 years ago

Jan Pavelka

I have a feeling Serj sings "making life more tollerable,making life more dollarable".

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