The Cigarettes - I`ve Forgot My Number video free download

Duration: 02:11
Uploaded: 2009/02/09


9 years ago

Michael Marrotti

This song makes me wanna live!

9 years ago

Ewa Krawczyc


9 years ago

Ewa Krawczyc


10 years ago


I'm so glad I found this band. They sound really different. 

10 years ago


ramones sex pistols new york dols''''''''''ALL SHIT...REAL PUNK IS UNDERNEATH THESHEETS////////////fuk the corpaorate crap'''''''''''rock and roll high school/what shit/jonny is a washed up puppet........

10 years ago

João Pedro

Where do you find this kind of people that listen to stuff like The Cigarettes? Looks like an internet legend, unfortunately.

10 years ago

Neon Kush

adderall and Cigarettes

11 years ago

Danielle Meldrum

I'm in the right part of youtube.

11 years ago

Edward Feltch

Mod punk par excellance.

11 years ago

Christiana K.

fuck yeah!

12 years ago


Then write me at [email protected],and if l've chewed your ear to long, and you've heard enough,l can understand that ,just realize that may be part of the problem .good people ,who put it on the shelf when its needed,but l'm not tryn to guilt no one into anything ,just tryn ta spread the good word ,and hopefully make people stop liveing vicarously thru others ,and maybe pitch in themselves,maybe you will too,if the oppertunity presents itself...nice talking to you ,thank you for listening

12 years ago


As you may have guessed,l have some strong opinions on the subjets of Faith and Hope in mankind ,regardless of the ways we fuck each other every day l strongly beleive this can be change thru enlightenment,Hope, and faith in our fellow man ,in addition to respect,trust,and selflessnes.l know sounds a bit extreme,but if you analyze what l propose,you'll see,it may be the only chance we have to continue existance on a planet thats ever shrinking ,and with limited resources,if you want to hear more

12 years ago


Now your getting it,Just remember ,what shapes our lives are the acts of men,and what breaks lives are the acts of men (or inaction when action is called for).Your response defines your being(or soul if you beleive you have one)and in acordance,your legacy in society(your reality).Johnny Rotten once said"Treat people like shit,an thats what you get"makes sense,no? What we need is to recognize we all need to be on the same page.Disdain for our fellow man does not lend itself too this imperative

12 years ago


Crass and Subhumans are some of my writing muses! You make a lot of sense, I'm focusing on getting my stuff together, getting more motivated to nail deadlines, I still have time and it's better spent not being a negative fuck, you're absolutely right. And maybe one day I'll actually go to a protest rather than just thinking it's hopeless, and I'll have the most fucking abrasive banner you've ever seen. Faith in other humans is something I need. Thanks for the peptalk man, I kinda needed it

12 years ago


One last thing l'd like to share with you is to say,If yours serious about undertanding the reality of what is entailed in a realistic way of changing the (your) world for the better ,you should read "The Leaderless Revolution" by Carne Ross ,a fellow Brit . That is if you really want to do more than just give up on the sytem ,and yourself ,just remember ,nothing is acheived in any world thru inaction . The ball is in your court my freind . All the power in the world to you kid...

12 years ago


Now its your turn,but l gues that would only be if you were man enough to try,and smart enough to see the possibilitys,all that said,good luck with your art,make it from the heart ,and it'll at least be great to you ,only then will it br great for others , and now anything is possible,I proved that to myself in my 55yrs ,now its your turn ,or can just sit at home an be miserable ,l advise you listen to some CRASS and Sub Hu Mans ,an maybe a little SLADE just to get a smile on your face

12 years ago


Egypt , Libia ,these are examples of people(you generation)who have acheived exactly what your saying cant be done ,so maybe you can re-examine your position and stop being so negative,sure the system sucks ,people get fucked every day,beleive me,l've been put thru the ringer myself,but,it can be tuned up ,and run more efficiantly ,but only if you and your like stop bitchin an do somthing about it ,Ther is greatness in us all if you care to find it ,l found mine ,and a bit of pride along with it

12 years ago


I know l'm getting alittle long winded here so l'll try to make this short and sweet ...You have to realize your reality ,isnt ,everyones ,and it doesnt have to be yours either ,not if you dont want it to be ,from the first post l've been saying l was of one of the first generations to realize ,beleive ,and know its true ,in todays world ,your generation should be building on this.look at current events ,Egypt ,Lybia ,these are your peers ,changing the world by voicing they're greivences

12 years ago


I'm old enough to be your grandfather ,and l'm not talking to you out of my ass ,l'm tryin ta get you to beleive in yourself ,and others like you ,you sound like you may be socially minded ,but your pointed in the wrong direction ,l'm just trying to be a roadsign to help you see where you can go in life and what tools will help you and your generation ,you don't have to sit on the sidlines bitchin ,grow some balls an know its a new wide open future happening and change is the word of the day...

12 years ago


You ,and your Art can change the world ,but only if you beleive it ,if you don't muster up the faith in your abilitys ,the you will prove irrelevant ,thats a promise,Like l was saying ,put an honest investment ofyour time and self into your endevers, add a little faith and hope ,and just maybe you'll realize ,regardless of wheater you acheive those goals or not ,you'll realize the act was not in vain ,because you'll have grown as a man ,and learned things you never dreamed of ...

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