System Of A Down - P.L.U.C.K. #13 video free download

Duration: 03:39
Uploaded: 2007/09/03

System Of A Down

Album: System Of A Down

Song: P.L.U.C.K.

Year: 1998







Walk Down!

Walk Down!

A whole race Genocide,

Taken away all of our pride,

A whole race Genocide,

Taken away, Watch Them all fall down.

Revolution, the only solution,

The armed response of an entire nation,

Revolution, the only solution,

We've taken all your shit, now it's time for restitution.

Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,

Recognition, Restoration, Reparation,

Watch them all fall down.

Revolution, the only solution,

The armed response of an entire nation,

Revolution, the only solution,

We've taken all your shit, now it's time for restitution.

The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around)

Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around)

The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around)

All in a system of Down!




Walk Down!

Walk Down!

Watch them all fall down,

Revolution, the only solution,

The armed response of an entire nation,

Revolution, the only solution,

We've taken all your shit, now it's time for restitution.

The plan was mastered and called Genocide (Never want to see you around)

Took all the children and then we died, (Never want to see you around)

The few that remained were never found, (Never want to see you around)

All in a system , Down.


8 years ago

El Que Comenta

Es una mierda

8 years ago

Omar Muñoz

Feat rap ?

9 years ago


This isn't just about holding Turkey responsible for it's past actions and denial of it's crimes but about holding all of these predominant Islamic countries for there invasions, oppression, and for the slaying of hundreds of millions in the name of Allah within the last 1400 years. Most of these predominant Islamic countries either A don't talk about their past crimes or B some of them do but then try and romanticize it and try and make it sound is if Muslim oppressors were somehow nicer than Christian oppressors. Those who do not except their mistakes are doomed to repeat them and the West is completely allowing them to get away with it with no fear of Muslims persecuting non Muslims.

9 years ago

Gamzee Makara

I'm a day late but with all the political news going on about this genocide I just *have* to say it..Fuck Turkish nationalism.Fuck the lies bred by Erdogan.Fuck denying the truth.*OPEN YOUR EYES, TURKEY.*

9 years ago


F.U.C.K the turkish government

9 years ago


100 years ago today

9 years ago


An appropriate day to listen to SOAD

9 years ago



9 years ago

Katie Burak

Next week it'll be 100 years since the genocide towards the Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks took place. 2 million murdered, deported, or missing. And almost no one seems to remember.

9 years ago


Politically Lying Unholy Cowardly Killers!!

9 years ago


Bonjours ! Voici maintenant un commentaire français :D

9 years ago

Misaki Mei

Hola, soy un comentario en español

9 years ago

Max Petrlich

When I was in an AP U.S History class, my teacher was asking all of us if we knew of any genocides, and everyone was sharing things about the Holocaust and what not, and I couldn't help but remember this song and System of a Down. So I shared about the Armenian Genocide and my teacher's response was ,"Wow, not many people share that one. Yes, Ottomans slaughtered Armenians . Are you Armenian?" And then after i'd replied no I wasn't Armenian, I realized how sad it was that a population as a whole could forget a genocide like this not 100 years after it happened. And I realize it's bands and music like this that helps keep voices and history alive.

9 years ago


Help, I have the "whole race genocide" line just stuck in my head. IT WON'T LEAVE! AT LEAST LET ME HAVE THE FULL SONG!

9 years ago


Intro sounds like the Eyes Of The Vulture by The Exploited. I wanna believe it wasn't a rip-off.

9 years ago

Nádia Ribeiro

La fenix!! 

9 years ago


And people dare claim System isn't metal xDHahahaha xD Rotten, ignorant idiots =')

9 years ago

Mustafa Çağatay Çulhacı

I think, here is not to place to discuss about that topic. Or, let's discuss! This genocide is not something that a government can admit or recognize without harming its own country. We, as people, should understand each other's pain, respect and appreciate it. Those days, Ottoman Empire was just like dogs dinner. Also there was a war between some Armenians and Ottoman Cities. The exact war was between Russia and Ottoman Empire. When some Armenians choose the side of Russia, two communities has begun to hate each other. And this genocide was the way to stop the confussion. (It's Ottoman's idea). Genocide happened. But there were many Armenian murderer who kills, tortures or rapes innocent Muslim and Turk people in some Ottoman Empire's cities after and before genocide. However it was a genocide according to The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide because Ottoman did not kill Armenians sistematically like Nazis but Ottoman tried to send innocent and guilty Armenians to Syria and some of Armenians died because of climate, diseases and independent Ottoman Gangs. Those are mixture of my ideas and facts. I am Turkish and I am not a scum bag. My suggestions to whole world are to respect, to appreciate and to understand whole pains of the world. SAY NO TO RACISM.btw sorry for grammar ;)

9 years ago


That Chorus = Eargasm

9 years ago

Rich Looby

what does p l u c k stand for

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