Sting - Russians Lyrics video free download

Duration: 03:57
Uploaded: 2009/08/24

Lyrics Sting - Russians


12 years ago


powerfull song! Thanks for uploading

12 years ago

clara feci

cette chanson est juste mangifique, elle me donne envie de pleurer a chaque écoute. Pour moi, sa va etre mon sujet de brevet, chaud!

12 years ago

Elias Xeneize


12 years ago

Yuuka Osara

j'aime vraiment cette chanson elle est magnifique ^^

12 years ago


@SrNutritivo we do not kill civilians. if anything we prevent them from getting a fuckin injury, they walk into their own landmines and firefights. fuckin taliban throws acid at their own wives for disobeying them. yes we thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction but there were threats there too and it was only a matter of time when we were deployed there that we found car bombs and kidnappings, children carrying guns and shit like that so we had to fix it for them.

12 years ago


@harryosbournez what do you think about iraq and afganisthan? Most of US soldiers and citizens believe they fought for liberty of the people of iraq, but what kind of help is killing about a million of civilians, erecting a puppet and disfunctional goverment, and leaving oil field (the Realpolitik thing...) to US corporations protected by private mercenaries, killing Saddam (an old and loyal US partner)... ah... and all of this because a lot of lies concerning mass destruction weapons...

12 years ago


@harryosbournez Tell me about a single war fought by US to defend something "decent"... no one, always (and we can include 2nd ww) have other interest in mind. ALL the wars are about money or goods of some kind, and power, without exception in human history.This is not only about US, is about all contries with pseudo-democracy with politicians dominated by corporate lobbies, but US is the biggest and most powerful of them... Realpolitik differs greatly from ethics, principes, and beliefs.

12 years ago


@SrNutritivo America is messed u by congress. not by the people or the president, ( sometimes the presidents not all the time ) but u have no right to be hostile to the US. all we do is help other countries in need. is it annoying? yes but we want to make as many allies we can, if anything we should be worrying about north korea now. not about the US we have men who live their lives to save us and defend our freedom. we have governments that are in need and people who are homeless and need us.

12 years ago


@Wrapped4 ok, I agree ... but I'm happy because now a lot of people like you and me has awaken in our countries... maybe we can seriously change the world soon! :D

12 years ago

Robert Callus

@SrNutritivo I don't think you understood me mate. I'm saying Western media (especially US) is demonizing Muslims the way it used to do to Russians when this song was written. So that it can justify its senseless wars for oil and control. Obviously I'm not blaming American citizens, but the elite, the CEOs, the bankers and the media. The pigs that beat the Occupy protesters for demanding their rights.

12 years ago


@Wrapped4 I know US people love their children, in fact I know north-america and I love the people of that countries, kind and good human beings with a real love for liberty, but still believing in false and tendencious mass media and mercenary politicians...

12 years ago


@Wrapped4 Sorry for my english. Totally disagree, change Russians with NORTH-AMERICANS! They are the only country continously threatening other countries blaming to others yelling words they really dont know like "liberty", killing for wall street and oil moguls. Make a favour to youself and revise what you think you know. After the Iraq and Afghanistan lies, doubt about US politicians intentions is a no-brainer question.

12 years ago

Robert Callus

Change Russians with Muslims and it will perfectly apply for our days.

12 years ago


@yash55281 Hey dip wad, you clearly don't understand the point of the song. Go grow up, and learn some history while your at it. And this isnt a tribute to Russia either.

12 years ago


1:39 Hells Gate..

13 years ago


You only need to replace in the short chorus_line, I hope the Russians love their children too, Now replace the Word Russia, with the word America or Britian ' & dont forget to update the presidents to the current times,? There u go, a tad more in prespective . is it not !

13 years ago


@leftwingloon Thanks :D

13 years ago


I just wanted to mention that I'm russian. I have been to America and I love this country as well as my motherland. In both of these countries live great people and it would be great if our forgot the coldwar times. We love our children and we know that you do love yours. And this is something to live for.

13 years ago


In USA all the same do of Russia the enemy. :) At Russia old army, nuclear the weapon twice is less, Russia doesn't conduct colonial wars, who for whom threat? :)

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