Stars Hide Fire - Transmission video free download

Duration: 03:27
Uploaded: 2012/12/23

Yet another great song that failed to make it to yt.

this signal's heading nowhere fast.

there's intermission in the sound,

it's fading in and out

it breaks down

it starts back up

this transmission's been shorting out

today, i stand here in front of you.

save me, from making mistakes we can't help to make.

and this system's keeps ears on lockdown

keeps them unconscious to the sound

a deafening drown

it breaks up

it falls apart

this engine stops and idles out

and these days have fallen out of sequences

which these frequencies mute out

and as you live in the comfort of plush couches and living rooms

ask yourself why everything has fallen apart

this transmission is being broadcast to all those who accept it's sound

accept our doubts

can i fade it out

can i numb these thoughts right now

and this system's falling

and i'm on overload

and these day are numbered with feelback reigning sounds

it's fall apart


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