Sepultura - Warriors Of Death video free download

Duration: 04:11
Uploaded: 2009/03/18

From the 1985 split with Overdose (Bra), "Bestial Devastation / Século XX".


Max "Possessed" Cavalera - Vocals/Guitar

Jairo "Tormentor" Guedz - Guitar

Paulo "Destructor" Pinto Jr. - Bass

Igor "Skullcrusher" Cavalera - Drums


Marching over the mist

Leaving behind the wheack's

Going this endless war

Like a tormenting nightmare

Over the devastated ruins

I raised a sign

The sign of hate

For a masses despair

To revenged the years

Arrested in abyss

Where Jesus Christ

Made his suffer

But the final command

Is happening here now

Which I see is the ruins

And warriors marching to death


9 years ago

Yannis Ouamrane

This EP and Morbid Visions is more Black than Death Metal and the new Sepultura since Against with Derrick Green is very good also than the old Sepultura

9 years ago

Banda Vesúvio

The beggining of Hard Rock <3 

9 years ago


Me encanta esta cancion!!!

10 years ago


Me encanta esta cancion!!!

10 years ago



10 years ago


thrash hue death scream thrash brasil huehueheuhuehuehuehuebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr

10 years ago


This is actually post melodic brutal blackened symphonic jazzcore

10 years ago

Julian fruth

the god old Sepultura !! :D

10 years ago


One of the best metal bands in existence.

10 years ago

Ya No

my childhood

10 years ago

Nathan Jones

There were no Death Metal riffs besides in Death's Demos before SBG, their were no music traits of DM in anything other album. The atmosphere in here is just BM, Bestiality a very evil atmosphere is the sound of Black Metal. No I'm not trying to say ll those riffs in I.N.R.I are products of one genre, because BM is made from multiple elements itself. 80's BM have different styles and approach to making the evilness of the music. Their were multiple elements in INRI but DM wasn't one of them.

10 years ago

Nathan Jones

Dude, you don't get it. This may have thrash metal influences in here but its still straight up Black Metal. Death Metal bands like Death have Thrash Metal influences in the mix, but is still straight up oldschool Death Metal. This is the 80's almost everything have a little thrash influences, even HxC bands at that time. SBG is more complex and skill than this album, not to mention being a pure definition of Death Metal. This draws the line between Death and Black. BM was a definite at the time

10 years ago


cool... even in the old ass songs i still see the genre fags arguing over exactly what the song technically falls under. get a fucking life already.

10 years ago


Exelent Drums.

10 years ago

Kevin J

Also, Altars is HEAVIER then SBG but their both death metal so you're wrong about me going by heavy they are. I go by rifts and chord progression along with their base line bpm.

10 years ago

Kevin J

Orly? Show me one of these retarded self made sub genres I used to categorize this EP or anything for that matter? I described the sound/ quality as BESTIAL and I'l fucking stand by that all day. You are trying to say all those rifts in INRI belong to one set genre that is Black metal.. thats fucking appalling. Yes I know of early hardcore punk influences but this is far from grindcore and is really its own separate sound that borrows from death metal influences, regardless if the genre existe

10 years ago

Kevin J

So you want to argue and say what?, this EP is black metal and thrash? Fair enough. I think Bonded by Blood would have been a better example btw but that doesn't matter. You want to argue and say there isn't a trace of death metal in INRI? Then I'd say you are insane to think that. If you think about it, black metal didn't even exist as a definite genre in the 80's. I fucken own SBG dude I know the ends and outs of it, but since then I have heard its sound in a lot of other works too.

10 years ago

Nathan Jones

This isn't straight up thrash, you want straight up thrash listen to Exodus Toxic Waltz, that's straight up thrash. Black Metal of the 80's are just made from the same elements which makes thrash and Thrash Metal influences came into BM in 84. The sound you described doesn't connect to this ep at all.Scream Bloody Gore is Death Metal's first document and the sound is all in there. That album has Black and Thrash influences but still considered oldschool Death Metal. Just like Alter Madness

10 years ago

Nathan Jones

What's "It"

10 years ago

Nathan Jones

You say a band can overlap into many categories? This is the thing that make people say "Kids these days like to pigeon hole bands with these retarded self made sub genres" But even if that was the case, there still aren't any trace of DM or DM influences in INRI. All that is Black Metal with Punk and thrash influences (Which basically makes up BM) There's a difference between 80's Black Metal and 80's Death Metal, and you seem to pare them based on how heavy it is.

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