Rosa Ponselle - Suicidio / with sub-title video free download

Duration: 04:14
Uploaded: 2010/06/26

Ponchielli - La Gioconda / Suicido

Rosa Ponselle (1897-1981)


Suicidio!... -In questi fieri momenti

tu sol mi resti,e il cor mi tenti.

Ultima voce del mio destino,

ultima croce del mio cammin.

E un dě leggiadre volavan l'ore,

perdei la madre, perdei l'amore,

vinsi l'infausta gelosa febre!

or piombo esausta fra le tenebre!

Tocco alla méta...domando al cielo

di dormir queta dentro l'avel...



E kegyetlen pillanatban,

csak te maradsz nekem, s kísérted szívem.

Végzetem utolsó szava ez,

utolsó kereszt az utamon.

Hajdan vidáman repültek az órák. -

Elvesztettem anyámat, szerelmemet,

legyőztem a féltékenység szerencsétlen lázát,

s most kimerülten zuhanok a sötétségbe.

Célhoz értem s könyörgök az éghez,

hogy nyugodtan alhassam a sírban.

Könyörgök az éghez stb.

Célhoz értem


9 years ago


Who is the tone deaf person who voted this video down? Who has done a better Suicidio??

9 years ago


unbelievablefantastica! forse la miglior Gioconda di sempre

10 years ago

Howard B

A truly magnificent performance. I only wish I had been able to hear her live in concert when she was at her peak. 

11 years ago

Romano Fedi

Grazie infinite. Meraviglia per questo canto, come la rosa è il fiore più bello che la natura ci ha dato così Rosa è la voce più bella che la lirica ci ha regalato. Sarà sempre insuperabile.

11 years ago


Questa voce e d'una bellezza unica! La più bella interpretazione di questa aria sul YT. SPLENDIDA !

11 years ago

Marcel Popa

Ponselle,de fapt Rosa Pozilio,o superba voce a operei,poate cea mai mare si cea splendida voce de Bel canto.Eu o apreciez pe Callas f.f. mult.,dar nu pot sa nu admit ca Ponselle (Ponzilio) a fost o grandissima .O voce care nu se uita niciodata de cei care o vor asculta

11 years ago


Thanks so much for publishing a translation! My Italian isn't good enough to catch all of the words.

11 years ago


NOT ENOUGH VIEWS The younger generation needs to understand what singing used to be

11 years ago


I don't think I've ever heard a purer voice. Crystal, no diamond, perfection.

12 years ago


Gorgeous lower-middle register. The epitome of a dramatic soprano.

12 years ago

Opera nobility

I was a good friend of pianist William Yanuzzi, who spent years with Rosa Ponselle. He would go to her Villa Pace and be available, should she feel like singing. He claimed she never lost her voice, but grew fearful of high tones in later years. The great soprano had such a thick, rich middle voice, but tried to carry that sound above the staff, which doesn't work for any soprano. It was the undoing for Tebaldi and Callas as well. But here, Ponselle still trusted her high tones and had it all.

12 years ago


Absolutely gorgeous! Ponselle had no equal. Period!

12 years ago


@CraigFrancisSoto thank you for your comment. grazie. R.

12 years ago


Meravigliosa ! Ponselle,without any doubt,was one of the finest Italian sopranos of any era. During that period,only the great Claudia Muzio was in her class. Mille grazie for sharing this superb piece with us.And what a marvelous lower register she had. Wow !

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