Rolling Stones - "Strictly Memphis" video free download

Duration: 08:13
Uploaded: 2009/06/09

Shut up and play some raw, gritty blues. What more should any Stones fan want?


9 years ago

Vickie S

This is one of the best songs I've ever heard in my life. Along with all the other stones songs, that's right .

9 years ago

Mike Hand

Another great song a lot of people have never heard of .

10 years ago

petru marinescu

Tony D'Amico, you didn't hear it before because the song is just a demo or an outtake from the album recording sessions.

10 years ago

tony D'Amico

great track! I've never heard it before! and ive been a stones fan for decades!!

11 years ago

Lucile Jagger

Sorry man, but why is your name Elmo Lewis if you don't like the blues ? You probably know it was Brian Jones' nickname way back in the early 1960s... And Brian loved blues, he founded the Stones... Now you spit on the music we love and think you're some tough guy... Fuck off, we don't spoil the music you like, don't spoil ours. I can't understand why you persist listening to it if you don't like it, and yet using Brian's nickname... Make up your mind, man.

11 years ago

Barry Shankman

Never released used as a warm up tune before recording session started little gems like this is what music is about5 become one don't think about it just enjoy *)o(*

11 years ago


Let this be ReLEASED

11 years ago

Charlie Roberson

listen to Elmo because he apparently knows what you don't... the Stones are great and your opinion really doesn't matter

12 years ago


If shorter and with Jagger's voice louder than the music background, this would have been part of the DIRTY WORK album.

13 years ago


great song

14 years ago


song year 1985,session Dirty work

14 years ago


thanks for comment on bitch, very nice this song I don't know it, it's a chance to be a fan of Stones there is no end.

14 years ago


oh ok, these has-beens playing the same shitty 3 chords and cadence, i don't like it, i think it sucks, and so u write a paragraph saying i must be nuts, fuck you pal.

14 years ago

tom d

If you don't like the blues, why do persist in listening to this music? A classic symptom of psychopathic behavior, or action demonstrating a severe disconnection with reality, is when an individual does the same act repeatedly in the same way and under the same conditions, yet expects an outcome different from the previous result. I'm making no insinuation about your mental health, but why listen if you don't like it? The blues have always been an integral part of the Stones. We like it.

14 years ago


more same ol' riff rehash, jesus christ enough already fellas,.

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