Rich Mullins - Creation '96 Press Conference Clips video free download

Duration: 05:10
Uploaded: 2010/09/18

Here is some footage from Rich Mullins' press conference at Creation '96, the only time Rich ever appeared at the festival. This press conference was considered controversial by some in the Christian media because of the singer's straightforward and, at times, blunt answers to the questions presented to him. In this clip, originally aired in 1997 on "Lightmusic", Rich challenges the media to stand for something of real lasting worth.


9 years ago

Wesley Dickens

Aaron Smith, best drummer ever

9 years ago

Christian Friends

Sometimes I think rich was focused on his own shortcomings that he was quick to point out everybody else. That's what Jesus said not to do. Rich was a good guy but he wasn't the only one in ccm that truly loves God. Not everybody in the ccm industry is just tryin to make a buck off Jesus name.

9 years ago

Christian Friends

Rich is right that the CCM industry is more about money than it is ministry, but he often needed to be careful about judging other artists in the industry. You shouldn't deter people from pastoral type roles in the Christian music bizz because let's face it, christian artists are ministers and preachers and they should be that first before entertainers. I'd encourage singers in ccm to be light of Christ. Don't worry about rich and fame. But point to the fame of Christ.

9 years ago

Marshall Lee

He called it like he saw it. No pulled punches.

10 years ago

Margie Hearron

Rich Mullins was incredibly insightful. Christian artists vs Christian pastor role. I wished that others in the Christian Music Industry would have gotten the concept sooner. #Christian #ChristianMusic #Church #art #artists #pastors #pastor #RichMullins

11 years ago

Marilyn Crosbie

Very good and very true.

11 years ago

Joel Thompson

Thanks for posting. I never knew Rich 'til after he died. Now I'm watching a playlist called Rich Mullins. YHWH has a way with timing. Thank you again.

13 years ago


For the person who - thank you! - posted this, am i seeing a bit of (i'm so tired, hopefully i can form a decent query :)).. . someone at the Memorial at Wichita State was talking about Rich being "angry cowboy prophet" something at times? I'm wondering if i see a bit of that around 3 minutes in when he said "you demand it of them and they're stupid enough to play along" or something like that. It's fun to see Mark (who hasn't aged! what's up w/that?) & Rick and i'm almost outta room :)

13 years ago

Ragamuffin Archive

@bobmccreary Oh, very cool. Yeah I'd be curious to know if he remembers this one. It's possible he was over by Jimm A. cause the camera never pans to that side. I've also just posted an interview that Rich gave at the Ichthus Festival in '96 and a bunch of other cool stuff to my channel. Feel free to pass them along too if you'd like :-)

13 years ago

Ragamuffin Archive

@bobmccreary Hey Bob, isn't that Mitch McVicker's contact e-mail?

13 years ago

Ragamuffin Archive

@AsTheDeer And just to clarify, I don't think that rich was more than just an entertainer because of anything to do with his music, but because of the way he lived his life. His walk with God is truly inspiring and it only makes his music all the more "real".

13 years ago

Ragamuffin Archive

@AsTheDeer Agreed, though my point was that Rich truly was far more than just an entertainer which is not the norm in his industry. His problem was with the way people were looking to CCM for some type of enlightenment, though he didn't have a problem with Christians being entertainers. I believe at the same concert he said something like "if you want to be entertained then I recommend Christian entertainment cause I think it's good but if you want spiritual nourishment you should go to church."

13 years ago


@theentrtnr He was indded humble, but here he talks about 'the industry". In the concert in Lufkin, Texas, he said that he was amazed at how people admired christian musicians "'cause I know a lot of us. And we don't know jack about anything". He seems the only one who is so honest. Praise God for all he did for Rich and through him. It is well with our souls.

13 years ago

Ragamuffin Archive

@AsTheDeer Yet, at the same time, Rich was so humble that he only looked at himself as an entertainer. And even in this interview, he talks about how he's not too concerned about God using him. Ironically, God used Rich in a far greater way than he ever knew during his time here on earth.

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