Power of a Woman - Eternal video free download

Duration: 04:01
Uploaded: 2012/11/27


9 years ago

Callum Brown


9 years ago



9 years ago

Leah Mcgee

What a tune

9 years ago

Andy Wainwright

I find this an odd record, sounds almost exactly like a typical SAW/PWL track from ten years earlier (the chord progression is identical to Hazell Dean's Can't Help The Way That I Feel) before they got teenybop crap. As a trio they're almost a companion act to Robson & Jerome without the covers, being inspired by the Ronettes as opposed to the Righteous Brothers, Phil Spector's best known acts. Pretty much every 90s UK girlband was a Mel&Kim rip off and Eternal are the closest by some measure, yet generally regarded as the least credible. This may be due to fudging the producer credits so to be seen as a British TLC as opposed to a female Robson&Jerome- they're actually both- which sort of backfired by making the records less collectable. The album features a cool PWL-esque cover of Redemption song with what sounds like a Matt Aitken guitar solo, the only one I've heard in the 90s onwards.

10 years ago

Waveyg -Star

very nice song

10 years ago


Morning!(*^^*)最近体壊して実家に帰っておりましたが、明日からまた仕事のため昨日夜名古屋に戻ってきました♪ 週初めって超憂鬱じゃね?仕事だりぃしorz……なんて思ってるそこのアナタっ!明け方からステキなナンバーをどーぞ(*´ω`*)♪朝ラジオから流れてきて、自分も約10年ぶりくらいに聴いて実は超絶懐かしかったというwwwとにかく底抜けに明るくて、聴いているこっちまで元気になれちゃいます。80'sナンバーを歌う女性シンガーさんの強さとカッコ良さはとにかく異常。Got to be Real やら Best Of My Loveも大好きだけど、クラブでこの曲かかると女性ダンサーはみんなサビ部を大合唱するというwwwwww←若干この時だけウルさくなる(;´д`)ハッピーでパワフルなナンバーに元気もらったらさて今日も頑張るか!て気分になりますよ(*^^*)それでは皆様ステキな1日を! Have a Nice Day!Peace ya♪AKKO☆

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