Peace Like a River - Mormon Tabernacle Choir video free download

Duration: 04:56
Uploaded: 2013/01/31

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The Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square present Mack Wilberg's arrangement of "Peace Like a River."

Episode 4331. Aired September 16, 2012


9 years ago

Freek van den Berg

Does somebody have the lyrics?

9 years ago

Ba Boo

that was so beutaful :( it made me cry

9 years ago

Judi Harbin

In His will is our peace

9 years ago

Jim Maslowski

I can feel the spirit when I listen to this song. Thank you MTC and God Bless.

9 years ago


To Cubomania, a few observations are in order. First, interesting your use of quotation marks around the word "Christian". I assume you doubt that person's salvation. In case you're confused, salvation is the only difference between a "Christian" and someone who's not a "Christian". Being a "Christian" means a person has recognized their sinfulness and asked for God's personal forgiveness. It doesn't mean the person is perfect or conforms to your idea of what a "Christian" should be.As for non-violence, nowhere in the Bible are "Christians" encouraged to be timid or non-violent. As a matter of fact, Jesus Himself forcibly ejected the money changers from the Temple. He wasn't fooling around. He wanted them out of His Father's house.And how you moved so quickly to sociopaths killing "because they like to and have a license" is beyond me. Hunting is a sport my friend. Plus it serves other purposes that are likely important to your world but of which you are blissfully unaware. Matter of fact, in some parts of the world hunting means SURVIVAL. And you're a vegetarian? Well good for you! But that's not everyone's gig. Enjoy it and let others enjoy their lives as they see fit. As for me, I'll take a big juicy ribeye any day over a water cress salad. Duck's pretty good too - just somewhat greasy.Remember, if you expect "Christians" to tow the line and "look at every aspects(sic) of our lives", you too should expect to be held to the same standard. In other words, tow your own line.

9 years ago

Jonathan Yoder

The water in a river changes constantly, ebbing and flowing. It renews always. And so does our peace in God's love.

9 years ago


Cubomania I absolutely agree. I think we all have areas we are naturally more in tune tho the spirit in and feeling a deep love and reverence for all life is something still developing in many of us. But we 'll get there with time. Just keep showing people the wonder of every living creature and help them feel the purity of love for them. When we have eyes to see animals as just different kinds of people with their own personalities and identities out changes us

9 years ago

Kamii Presario

beautiful melody, touching my soul and opening my heart, thanks :)

9 years ago


I noticed the little ducks in the video, carrying on their peaceful little lives with their friends, and then I remembered a "Christian" I met while volunteering. He and a friend of his that was there started discussing hunting. Being a Christian doesn't mean you are necessarily non-violent, and you could be a Christian and still be a a sort of sociopath who likes to kill things for no good reason except that you "like to" ,and you have a license to. Yeah, I'm a vegetarian. Christians ought to look at every aspects of our lives.

9 years ago

lisa lowe

Needed this to remind me, and transform my day.

9 years ago

Aare Kuusk

As choirs go, the Mormon Tab Choir can do no wrong. Every selection is pure perfection. They are simply the best!

9 years ago

Dane Blake

THE PEOPLE OF CHRIST,,,,,HAVE FAITH LIKE A MIGHTY RIVER AS THEY SACRIFICE...THEIR LIVES, WATCH THEIR FAMILIES BEING TORN APART ONLY BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN JESUS. This is happening as I write this comment.Let us all pray for them..for they suffer and endure horrific persecution...for their beliefs...............

9 years ago

Lena Voynarovich

So beautiful and peaceful all God`s creatures and nature too. Everything is done perfectly well. Absolutely perfect Our Lord`s work!

9 years ago

Larry Thompson

Remember: if peace is like a river, like the river, it flows and sometimes slows, which is why we have to often begin again and again to find it. Fortunately, like the river, it is always "there" to be rediscovered.

9 years ago

jack murrell

i am not Mormon but love listening to the choir 

9 years ago

Marife Crisanto

Don't miss this!!!

9 years ago


waiting for the day when the world will be finally at peace under jesus Christ. it's going to happen!!

10 years ago

Trevon Morris

This was a favorite "Negro Spiritual" when I used to go to High School in Jamaica now it is Spiritual and not for any class of people but a universal spiritual experience. Wherever I have heard it, I feel the same spirit flowing through me. As I bask in the feeling of goose bumps, my faith is renewed knowing that quick pleasures are nothing but the pleasures of God are beyond understanding. May we be so blessed to never forget that we are all brothers under the sun. Why then do we not care for our fellowmen. I embrace my Father in Heaven as the Supreme Ruler of all the eternities and one day I will be in his presence. Amen...

10 years ago

Bezimeni čovek

God, this truly is beautiful...

10 years ago

R. S. Kurtz

Thank you for introducing me to this lovely spiritual song. I love all spiritual music and the MTC does an outstanding job with this song, as they always do.

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