Pansy Division presents: JONAH - Episode 1: "That's So Gay" video free download

Duration: 05:50
Uploaded: 2009/06/01

This is the first of four webisodes in the JONAH series, produced for Pansy Division to promote their latest album, "That's So Gay." In this episode, the main character, Jonah (played by Mark Strano) is 21 and in college. He's hanging out at the college quad, reading before class starts. Some of the local bullies are taunting other students as they pass by. Finally, Jonah gets his fill of hearing them using "gay" and "faggot" as derogatory terms and decides to stand up for what's right.

Look for Pansy Division on tour this September!


9 years ago

Lee Sanders

The girls shouldn't suddenly get goatees. . .they should get unfortunate haircuts. LOL.I liked the boys going suddenly Glam, it reminded me of the RHPS floor show. 

10 years ago


I was secretly singing Blondie's "Rip Her to Shreds" when the song started.

13 years ago

Wilson P. Higgsbury


13 years ago


those bitches! oh god. they are just envious of those beautiful gays. :")

13 years ago

Cody Crawford

this is gay....HAHA FUCK YOU SOCIETY!

14 years ago


hes not even hitting the bong

14 years ago


hell yeah to the dildo staff!!! You guys killed it!

14 years ago


Thank you, kind sir! We hope to keep you entertained for as long as we can!

14 years ago


I love the dildo-sceptre!!! AWESOME!!! :D I've been listening to PD since High School when 'Undressed' came out and have loved (and bought) every album since!! I love you guys and can hardly wait to move back to the States so I can see you live again. I've seen you 3 times and every time I'm mesmerized!! :D Thanks for the all great music and the empowering messages you put into your songs, keep it up (absolutely no pun intended there). ;) You guys ROCK!!!

14 years ago


Hey there, that is very cool! If we can make any difference in the world or have any impact it really is worthwhile. Thank you for your comments!

14 years ago


Nice video PD. I have to say that I beat you to the "'That's So Gay" album title by 5 years but that's ok. Check out my new album Blood & Treasure. Keep rocking it queer guys.

14 years ago


Our reasoning was that we are sick of most music videos, especially those where the band is trying to be actors. We wanted to create a new context for our songs to exist in, so we chose a character to illustrate how our music might affect someone, how does it show up in their life. We used just enough of each song to make the point, the same way songs play in your own mind (roughly 1 minute). Most people's attention spans are short, especially on the Internet, so we kept it all short and simple.

14 years ago


Thanks for the vid guys and thanks for your great music ! Greetings from Germany

14 years ago

Bill Realman Stella

Hi Timmybear: Although I'm sure you're all about supporting your local store, I'm on the verge of mail ordering it from the Pansy Division website, if you (or anyone reading) has overlooked that option. - Bill

14 years ago


My local indie store is still waiting on a copy to arrive. Hopefully soon...

14 years ago


I "luv luv luv" pansy division. Thanks for being "out" there! This is a fun video!

14 years ago


Hey there, thanks! I asked Michael what the DP used (since I'm not a techie) and he said: HVX-200 with a Leica zoom lens. btw, we'll be posting three more of these "webisodes" in the coming months!

14 years ago


The new album is great! Wish they carried it in stores in Mississippi, but thanks to A** holes like Fred Phelps and other religious people that surround this state, it wont be....but, I did get it off iTunes the HOUR it was released LOL....LOVE IT...i love ANYTHING that Pansy Division puts out, i got their first album in around 1994 or something

14 years ago


You guys should sell dick wands at your merch table on tour.

14 years ago

Brent Braniff

Great work!!! What did you guys use to shoot this with?

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