Panda Bear - Boneless video free download

Duration: 03:42
Uploaded: 2008/10/23


9 years ago

Jim Morone

Woah, this is amazing. Never heard this one.

9 years ago

JON Aroan

To anyone having a hard time finding this song. Its on the Notwist EP Boneless. Its remix of that song Panda Bear did it was featured there. I had no idea, the songs are radically different. Its really a testament to how much of genius Panda is.

9 years ago


2015 and I'm still listening to it

9 years ago


I have to say that I'm surprised that nobody is mentioning all the 'orbs' (or whatever you want to call them) that are flying by in the middle of all the seagulls in the shots starting at around 0:46 & ending at 1:00, I spotted at least 5 in those 15 seconds... 

9 years ago


2014 and I'm still listening to it

9 years ago

Nathan Miller

this is still probably my favorite video on youtube haha

10 years ago


It is pretty much psychodelic.

10 years ago

beast mode

this is myyyyyyyy shiiiiiiiiiiit :D

11 years ago


Yes indeed! And guess what its scientific name is? A Murmuration!!! And guess what you call a pack of Flamingos? A Flamboyance!!!

11 years ago

Justin Burgess

This isn't a remix. He uses like one short sample from the song.

11 years ago


2 years later, if you're still wondering about the flock of birds, it's called "the black sun phenomenon" (sort sol) i don't think anyone can explain exactly why flocks do it, but the theories themselves are interesting enough

11 years ago


what is this off of????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

11 years ago

Choke la sauce

we dont care.

11 years ago


So... apparently I'm the only one who has this opinion, but this remix completely destroys the feel of the original... and that makes me sad. So little of the original song remains that you can barely call it a remix, and frankly, as a stand alone song... it sucks. I know I'm supposed not hare on music, and just let other people enjoy their own taste in music in peace, but it's late and it's the internet and I'm not thinking straight, so I'm going ahead and just being honest.

11 years ago


...what album is this from?

11 years ago


Proof that music didn't die with the counter-culture

11 years ago


Crazy.. check out 1:40 - 1:42 It looks like an alligator. Suspiciously looks like the one on Avey Tare's album

11 years ago


This song gives me spiritual clarity.

11 years ago


I would say that this was made around the same time as Person Pitch, so anything on there will have a similar feel. But I guess "Bonfire of the Vanities" would be closest to this.

11 years ago

Alex Cooper

what are some of his other songs like this?

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