Moonspell - Handmade God video free download

Duration: 05:34
Uploaded: 2008/05/13

For that viper that grows inside your head

she remains there waiting to be fed

self made parasite speculating about the end

(I ask you)

Can you forgive her?

Back into the womb of this holy woman

else pregnant of an entire breed

of men afraid to create, (to) take place and to proceed

(I ask you)

Can you forgive them?

They promised me a miracle

a private god for me to hold

Can you forgive me?

They promised me a miracle

someone to really really love

Can you forgive me?

Your handmade god

is back into your womb

Is it right to indulge on an ecstasy

of creating a god that sees what I see,

looks exactly like me, rather what I (what I) wanted to be

Can you forgive me?

For that viper that grew inside my head

for having betrayed you so well

Can you forgive me?

They promised me a miracle

when all my crimes will be just one

but now is gone.

They promised me a miracle.

Back to your womb it feels so cold.


9 years ago

Giovanna Chiodi

Take a look at this video on YouTube:

9 years ago

Ana Ferreira

Ricardo Amorim obrigada pelos teus riffs! À conta deles fiz grandes performances de air-guitar!... Re-ouvir esta album é maravilhoso. Muito obrigada!

9 years ago

Jeremy Harden

bad ass entrance music with keyboards and guitars rumbling like thunder...

9 years ago

Murat Kaleş

this shit,believe or not,the ''best''song whatever the genre it is.incredible harmony,editing whatsoever.not only moonspell's best song but overall this fuckin shit is the best.just amazing...

10 years ago

Justus Lohikäärme

One of my favorites.. Such emotion..

10 years ago


Me parece increíble como pasa el tiempo. Este disco es de hace 15 años y aun me parece una obra maestra, insuperable, no encuentro hoy en dia nada que suene similar, nada que lo supere.

10 years ago

Austin Bruner

pure, beautiful darkness in musical form

11 years ago


Yea thats the best explanation probably. Thanks!

11 years ago

Carlos Velez

It is meant to be a word play Pecado = Sin in spanish, but it can also be read 'sin pecado' meaning 'Without Sin'

11 years ago


Can i ask someone who knows. Sin means without in spanish or something? Up to now i thought that the album's name means sin in two languages but it could also mean without sin in spanish. Yea i hope you got the question thanks for any help :D

11 years ago

axeofgod72 .

i lost faith in Moonspell when SIN first came out... I thought they'd sold out... but now i understand... they were experimenting... Night Eternal is a masterpiece, and i will always love their ART.... HAIL, MOONSPELL.

11 years ago

yarcan bukrek

best album ever !

12 years ago

Hans Uerkvitz

without fish ??? ahhhhh Sin Pecado - I thought it said Pescade - Quiete different!! :))

12 years ago


@Enysvar Mate.. ur comment is just what i think of this piece of ART!!! Cheers from Poland \m/

12 years ago


I'm at a crossroads, I'm trying to be a Christian, but I really like this song. Oh well, I guess I don't have to agree with everything he says.

12 years ago


Man I love Moonspell. I love how dark their music is. They're a really under appreciated band which is a shame, but I still love them all the same.

12 years ago

Raúl Fernando Vásquez

Tambien del compilado uno de mis solos favoritos!

12 years ago

Kevin Vermeulen

nobody disliked there's your miracle

12 years ago

Simon Fistrich

Weil ich's gerade archiviert habe: Eine meine Lieblingsplatten ist Sin/Pecado von Moonspell. Einfach ein saugutes Rockalbum mit einem wunderbar warmen Sound, der eigentlich nicht zur düsteren Ausrichtung der Band und den teilweise ganz schön fiesen Texten passen dürfte, trotzdem aber wunderbar funktioniert. Ich erinnere mich noch daran, wie das Album 1998 in der Metalszene für Aufregung sorgte, weil Moonspell sich damit ein ganzes Stück vom sicheren Gothic-Hit-Metal auf Irreligious und Wolfheart loseisten und es gar wagten, Elektro-Elemente in ihre Songs einzubauen - das auch noch in einer Zeit, wo man gegenüber "Weiterentwicklungen" von Bands ohnehin extrem misstrauisch war und bereits den Tod des Metals an die Wand malte. Obwohl letztgenanntes Album und da insbesondere der Übersong Wolfshade aus privaten Gründen einen ganz speziellen Platz in meinem Herzen hat, ist Sin/Pecado rückblickend betrachtet für mich das reifste, beste und vor allem spannendste Moonspell-Album. Das Niveau haben sie später leider nicht mehr erreicht, obwohl noch ein paar sehr gute Platten folgten.

12 years ago


@withinspace Could have sworn that was Alma Mater on there. Maybe that was on the second Identity? I had up to 8 if memory serves.

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