Moonspell - Ataegina video free download

Duration: 04:04
Uploaded: 2008/11/24

Moonspell - Ataegina, with english Lyrics.

I have nothing to do with that culture, but i love the song. Here is some wiki inf:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ataegina or Ataecina (Spanish; Portuguese: Atégina) was a chthonic goddess worshipped by the ancient Iberians, Lusitanians, and Celtiberians of the Iberian Peninsula, and one of the most important Iberian deities. She was goddess of rebirth (spring), fertility, nature, the moon, and healing.

It is believed Ataegina's name comes from the Celtiberian ate gena "reborn". Sociologist Moisés Espírito Santo argues that the name combines Atta and Jana, the first being an epithet of the archetypal mother-goddess and the latter indicating the Roman deity Jana (partner to Janus) or, quite possibly, the moon goddess Diana. Espírito Santo also argues that Ataegina is a composite deity arising from syncretic tendencies.

The animal sacred to Ataegina was the goat. She had a devotio cult, in which someone would call on the goddess to ask for healing, or occasionally curse someone, results ranging from slight afflictions to death.

Ataegina was worshiped in Lusitania and Betica; there were also sanctuaries dedicated to Ataegina in Elvas (Portugal), and Mérida and Cáceres in Spain, along with other places, especially near the Guadiana river. She was one of the main goddesses worshiped in Myrtilis (today's Mértola, Portugal), Pax Julia (Beja, Portugal) and especially the city of Turobriga, whose precise location is unknown. She is known from several inscriptions in the Tagus region and Baetis (Guadalquivir) valley, and where she was identified with the Roman goddess Proserpina: 'ATAEGINA TURIBRIGENSIS PROSERPINA'. She was often depicted carrying a cypress branch."


8 years ago


Ela faz lembrar Persefone. ♥ 

9 years ago

Azul Ataegina Guevara Moreno

Ese es mi nombre :D

9 years ago


I like this...think I just found another band I can follow and listen to :D The darkness, the occultism, it makes my heart smile ^_^

9 years ago

Haroldo Marinho

Angra é uma otima banda brasileira conceituada a nível mundial. Moonspell é muito bom mas rebatendo alguns comentários aqui vistos, os portugueses não fizeram nada pelo Brasil, além de matarem nossos índios e roubarem nossas riquezas, fizeram uma colônia escravista de exploração que tem consequencias até hoje na segregação, desigualdade e discriminação social e racial. Quem construiu o Brasil foram os negros, às custas de muito sangue e chibata e a única coisa que os portugueses nos legaram de bom foi sua culinária, música e arte porque de resto só restou o estrago feito por uma exploração desmedida, desorganizada e subserviente a Inglaterra. vão estudar história, mas não a historia contada pela elite branca, mas a verdadeira história, aquela construída pelos povos que tão covardemente foram massacrados e explorados em nosso solo.

10 years ago

yhon alexsander

cvr eee

10 years ago

Salamander mutusdedit

Ataegina, celtiberian lusitanian godess of the darkness and regeneration and fresh water of healing. Bless our souls.

11 years ago


Orgulho em ser PORTUGUÊS! :)

11 years ago

Benjamin Mallow

Disliked for crappy video. Moonspell how-ever, rock.

11 years ago

Ricardo Moura


11 years ago

Corvus Bruxo Nemeton

¡Larga vida a Ataegina!

11 years ago

Rob Bar

I always imagine Metal Pirates with this song. Moonspell is a hell of a band!

11 years ago


Lusitania para sempre!!!!

11 years ago


Dirae não se tem que carregar mais R como fosse RR ?

12 years ago

Laura Diaz

Jajaja, ¡un saludo!

12 years ago


jaja ok esta bien pues esta vez tu ganas! XD

12 years ago

Laura Diaz

A ella en concreto se la adoraba en la zona celta, aunque bien es cierto que en zonas fronterizas en las que había más mezclas ;-)

12 years ago


En serio? no se yo lo poco que habia leido del tema es que era una diosa de la fertilidad que adoraban los lusitanos y otros pueblos iberos pero vamos tampoco se muxo de ello, aun con todo celtas habia por toda Europa pero aqui en la peninsula se mezclaron con los iberos fprmando nuevas tribus

12 years ago

Laura Diaz

Los celtas, querido, los celtas...

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