Mario Lanza - Che Gelida Manina video free download

Duration: 05:03
Uploaded: 2007/11/02

Uploading Lanzas songs, the ones I have- sub rate and comment, thanks.


8 years ago

sven sundquist

Wonderful recording of Lanza-he is the reason I started to love opera and other great singers.

9 years ago

GA Dacey

I grew up to this music.... the best memorys

9 years ago

GA Dacey

this is real.... just listen

9 years ago

GA Dacey

thank youfor this

9 years ago

Marina Mikhaylova

Did anybody of those who try their best to humiliate Lanza ask himself why 55 years after his death so many battles arise around his name? The answer is so simple - he still has a huge army of fans, who love and enjoy his voice regardless of all attacs of high-brow critics. His voice, coming from the bottom of his heart brings people much more thrill and joy than many other more skilled and polished tenors, whose names are known only to a circle of sophisticated opera lovers. His main merit is that he brought opera into the homes of common people and inspired many great stars of nowadays to become opera singers. Lanza is a very special phenomenon in vocal art, not to be compared to any operatic singers, as he actually was not an operatic singer, he simply had the most beautiful, powerful, passionate and thrilling natural voice given to him by God. RIP, dear Mario, your divine voice lives on and you are not forgotten. 

9 years ago

Irina Kuzmishina

Did anybody of those who try their best to humiliate Lanza ask himself why 55 years after his death so many battles arise around his name? The answer is so simple - he still has a huge army of fans, who love and enjoy his voice regardless of all attacs of high-brow critics. His voice, coming from the bottom of his heart brings people much more thrill and joy than many other more skilled and polished tenors, whose names are known only to a circle of sophisticated opera lovers. His main merit is that he brought opera into the homes of common people and inspired many great stars of nowadays to become opera singers. Lanza is a very special phenomenon in vocal art, not to be compared to any operatic singers, as he actually was not an operatic singer, he simply had the most beautiful, powerful, passionate and thrilling natural voice given to him by God. RIP, dear Mario, your divine voice lives on and you are not forgotten. 

9 years ago


+Marcus Romedahl Hi Marcus, you are probably a twin brother, because one alone can not be that demented.

9 years ago

Jo Ann Gabrielson

A truly great voice!!,

9 years ago


+badpdx very true about Jussi Bjorling and his vibrato. His voice in house was not powerful at all but the low notes sounded good, no correct it was not a large voice as it sounds on recording and the vibrato was at times too intense but he did work hard and made films too and was a great musician and artist. I saw him in 1958 as the Duke. LP's can make a voice sound bigger then it was. 

10 years ago

Brian Allen

Lanza, with his incredible wide octave range, inspired so many, including Pavarotti, Carreras and Domingo amongst others - and his recordings still inspire. Sad that he effectively ate himself to death. What a sad loss to us all - so it's great to have the recordings and films to remember him and his unique talent so thanks for posting this.

10 years ago

Richard Hill

I heard him in St. Louis at the Kiel Opera house during the 50’s when he was touring and promoting his movie the Great Caruso! Before his appearance you could hear him vocalizing in his dressing room! The crowd cheered! When he came out on the stage he seemed humbled and said “I was warned not to come to St. Louis because they said it was a hard audience, I thank you for your kindness.” He sang that night the greatest that I recall ever hearing him sing! He died to young.

10 years ago

roxalys mendez

en el vagabundo y la estrella , película de 1960 Kraus realiza un formidable Do sostenido, solo que Lanza realiza, el o uno de los mas portentosos C5 de la historia de su Che gelida Manina de 1949, teniendo una voz mucho mas voluminosa y portentosa que Kraus.

10 years ago


Who wants to know? -- What's wrong?

10 years ago

roxalys mendez

De Caruso y Domingo han dicho que no poseían el Do de pecho , Corelli sonidos caprinos al principio, Del Mónaco voz chillona y ruidosa, Di steffano destruyo su voz, lo interesante es que Lanza pudo llegar a todas las notas al igual que Kraus , o Wunderlich, con los registros mas alto registrados sin embargo con una voz mucho mas voluminosa y mas pesada.

10 years ago


alfredo kraus hits a C sharp for the big note >>>>>

10 years ago

roxalys mendez

!como no ! payaso.

10 years ago

Roderick O'Connor

yes he sounds like he means the words, rather than he is trying to belt out the big notes

11 years ago


Praise for Lanza, "He had a fantastic voice--not just wonderful--a fantastic voice." - Luciano Pavarotti

11 years ago

Michel Galan

En General LANZA era mucho mejor, porque era un excelente actor y quieran o no quieran en el mundo de la OPERA es super importante saber actuar...

11 years ago

dominique zazzy

ha tu ses tout mais ses la plus belle mon ami salutation a toi qui aime ses chanteur saluti

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