Les Claypool - "Red State Girl" Prawn Song Records video free download

Duration: 03:14
Uploaded: 2009/07/02

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Director: Les Claypool


9 years ago

Chris Moudy

~ Bow biddy bow bow ~

9 years ago

Jim Garrison

It's very lame and unoriginal for Les to make such a song and video. It shows that although he's one of the great musicians of our time, he's politically ignorant and he's too much of a coward to stand up against the masses. Of course when every newspaper cartoon, Saturday Night Live skit, internet article, mainstream news program, every song, etc. rips on Sarah Palin, it has become the norm and it's a safe bet to poke fun at her. She's not the most eloquent speaker but she's a good woman. She is a loving wife, mother and good American. She has the decency to bring a baby with special needs into this world whereas 90% of Liberals would have not had the courage to do so.The left wing media picks on her every chance they get to the point where they have engrained in the minds of the average sheep that she is some trashy, dumb slut with the IQ of a grapefruit when in reality they couldn't be further from the truth.The Liberal left poke fun at white southerners every chance as well. The left-wing film industry always shows them to be inbred hicks who are intolerant of everything different from their way of life. They make fun of hard working Conservatives/Republicans because they don't really know what it's like to get up at 4:30 in the morning, milk cows, fix machines, feed the livestock, get the kids off to school, all before you have to go to your second job away from home because the Feds have put so many regulations on farming that farming alone cannot pay the bills. Then when you come home you have to milk cows again, feed the animals, wash down the milking parlor, clean the barn, etc. Then you eat dinner with your family and still have to find the time to give each of your kids the attention they deserve while fighting exhaustion. Then the next morning you get to do it all over again until you die; But the left wingers don't know anything about the people they insult.TV stars, Movie stars, Politicians, and 99% of musicians don't know what it's like to be the people they insult. They pass judgement from their mansions and use their money to influence the public opinion towards people they feel are the antithesis of themselves. Those who are a threat to their leftist way of life are made out to be bigots, monsters, and maniacs when in reality they are the fiber of this country. The true bigots and monsters are the Liberals who use people as pawns. They cry racism, sexism, and prejudice every chance they get regardless if that has anything to do the case. The Blue State Liberals are the true intolerant monsters. They are the ones who would rather kill a baby than eat a steak. They would rather make you feel guilty for having a couple extra dollars at the end of the week while they have millions in off-shore accounts. They call you a racist for disapproving of Obama's insane policies when you would feel the same way if the man was black, white, or purple. They call you a racist for being a conservative but when a black man says he's a conservative the Liberals call him an "Uncle Tom", "House Nigger", etc. and nobody calls them racist for saying that!The media makes fun of Sarah Palin because she is a strong, free-spirited American woman who does not comprimise her values and the Democrats are jealous of her. In a heated debate she mistakenly said Africa is a country(many people make that mistake) and the media crucified her for it saying how she was retarded. Obama during a press conference with all kinds of time to think about his answer, said he'd been to 57 states and he had one more to go yet you didn't hear everyone calling him names like they do Palin. Hillary Clinton is responsible for people dying at Benghazi yet she has not seen the same sort of backlash Sarah Palin did for saying Africa was a country! Do you people not see the hypocrisy that is in our mainstream media?A rodeo clown in Missouri was banned from the state fair FOR LIFE for wearing a Barack Obama mask and he was called all kinds of names by Liberals yet nothing was said back in '94 when they had a bull trample a dummy they made that looked like George H.W. Bush. Does anyone notice the hypocrisy?Why doesn't Les Claypool grow a pair of balls and poke fun at Michelle Obama for being an America-hating, school lunch nazi, tax-payer money spending, race baiting, anti-capitalist monster instead of beating a dead horse poking fun at Sarah Palin, a woman who is guilty of nothing more than loving her family, her country, her state, her fellow Americans, and only really guilty of mixing up her words a few times; not nearly as often as Barack Obama does, might I remind you!

9 years ago

tony langmach

All about Sarah .. ;0) 

9 years ago

Zak C

I love Les's standup bass songs, Mr. Krinkle, Hendershot, Red State girl, ect. Even Bob Cock and the Yellow Sock had some fucking awesome jams.

10 years ago

Puddin' Tang

Harrowing...but he nailed it

10 years ago


fretless and Les

10 years ago

Krystian Baranowski

Claypool for Pope !

10 years ago


01.00 Something is upside down :)

10 years ago

Rasťo Korytár

0:15 sounds like little puppy :D

10 years ago

Jane Millerick

Les Claypool & friends ... Red State Girl ...

10 years ago

Jane Millerick

Les Claypool & friends ... Red State Girl ...What a wonderful song ...!

11 years ago

Dr. Otto Octavius

fearless and afraid

11 years ago


mmmmmmmmm {: {: {: {: <3 <3 <3 <3

11 years ago


That drummer is a bit on the psychotic side....

11 years ago


Too true not to be funny...

11 years ago

Mike Hunt

Can't believe BlankTV posted this.

11 years ago


Les is the fucking mam no Questions

11 years ago


do you have more infos, who the residents really are?

11 years ago


...is this real life?

11 years ago


ha ha ha ha ha ha creepy yet hilarious

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