Lennie Gallant - Peter's Dream video free download

Duration: 05:03
Uploaded: 2009/12/18

Festival Theatre, Wolfville NS.

December 17th, 2009.

*Lennie Gallant performing 'Peter's Dream' at the benefit concert "Seeds of the Future" for USC Canadas Seeds for Survival.


9 years ago

Bruce .Chapman

Lennie is one of many great songwriters from the east Coast - Bruce Guthro, Gordie Sampson, Ron Hines, Laura Smith, Joel Plaskett and lots I am forgetting. This is a beautiful song that captures the tragedy of men who's life work, and that of their forefathers, is taken away in a few sort years by new technology and old attitudes that the earth would not be depleted.

11 years ago

Henry Smolenaars

For anyone who knows their bible, this song is an obvious reference to when Jesus told Peter to cast his net out again after he had fished all night and caught nothing. When he did what Jesus had said, he caught so many fish that the nets were torn. That's why the reference to Peter in the songs name. This song is about the loss of the fish stocks.

12 years ago

Little Mac

@angusKaiser hmmm interesting take but I think God's hand played a bigger part other than luck ... if they were God fearing men it was the center of their being and there being went out and caught fish and that meant good days and bad days and life and love you name it .... sorry for posting it on all songs i didn't think it was a derogatory comment I thought the song was good and a had room for discussion or interpretation ... I get the obvious things about the fishery

12 years ago


@davidmc322 It's a way of referring to how fishing used to have an element of luck to it, as if it was in God's hands whether you got a good haul or not. With the advancement of fishing technology it became too easy to find and catch huge loads of fish, and because of people's greed, the stock of fish was severely damaged. Also, why post this on most of the uploads of this song on youtube? Don't spam man. P.S. Someone needs to upload a studio version of this song, does anyone have one?

12 years ago


@eggerssandy I'm from Newfoundland, myself. The song, as you said, is about the Newfoundland cod fishery, and it's depleting cod stocks. Just saying, he doesn't blow up the boat. He shot something like 14 holes through the hull of it with a shotgun.

13 years ago


It's not about gathering men's souls. It's a protest song of big fishery boats/companies depleting the stock of fish in the oceans and putting small fishermen business out of business. That's why he blows up the boat.

13 years ago


I like the song but trying to make some sense of that line, is he dreaming he wished there was fish again? From the surface of this verse, it seems like the Lord wants them to be successful fishermen, but is that really what Jesus wants? Let's remember what Jesus first said to them when He called them into becoming His disciples (Mark 1:17). 17 And Jesus said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men." just a thought because I liked the other themes of the song..

13 years ago

daniel stewart

this is a great song, one of the best

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