K-Rino - Imperfect video free download

Duration: 04:05
Uploaded: 2013/03/24






8 years ago


Keep your focus, keep your pride.

8 years ago

Love Jones

I been down with k tomorrow since gangster nip south park psycho

9 years ago

Ariel Rainault

K-Rhino love this track <3

9 years ago



9 years ago

Andrew James

If you like this check out Destiny Lab "Unseen Zones" and Ninja Scroll "Legal Drug Kingpins"

9 years ago

duke earl

dank, he needs to stay on message one song he's putting farakahn up the next he drops real knowledge , man is fucking beast though raw talent 

9 years ago

Chris Thomas

K-rino is the truth rns

9 years ago

Chris Thomas

K-rino is the truth rns

9 years ago

Noahs Threetree.BLooDLiNE

This is for thy one`s who understand! 3 , 33 Equals 8 & 6 three-underscore _ _ _ (As above soo below) . Jesus arives at 30 yrs old *(zero is noting) *3* betrayed for 30 silver *3* was denied by disciples 3 times there were 3 women at his death and ressurection! at 13 yrs old jesus got lost for 3 days!Jesus dies age 33. ( 3 cross at crucifaction ) auround 3 pm ( darkness stood for 3 hours) 3 hrs to die! is name was written in 3 language ,-King of jews, king of heaven & king of earth - *3 kings* or king of kings, king of israel & king of jews? ressurected 3 days after... i can go on until i force ur mind to see the pattern but its not my purpus to brainwash you`s only to put and show the patterns! seek for thy self!!! 8 planets 8 is the infinite number 8 is 33 put together!. 3 colors , earth is the 3rd planet, startin to get in newtton was in a tree(3) lookin at elenin comet when he discouverd the law of relativity!.. i think 2 much 2 remember!!! 3 (Three) Tree`s gives us air to live, humans have 33 vertabre, tree(3) of good & evil / Knowlegde & tree(3) of Life.... 3 trinity`s (gods) .. (6 legion) is- Amen in numercal value equals 33. there is also, KKK in numerical value is 3x11, 11 11 11 equals 33 Pie is 3.14... earth tilt axis is 2.5... i could personaly bring this in Next crazy out of this world trolly, check Fern, wacko McDonald D in out, 3rd degree murder, 3 strikes ur out, 3 minutes bouts, 3 periods 1 meter = 3 feet, 10 meter = 33 feet ect..,.,.3 ,3 ,3........ Refering too 1one`s self is ( i ) (eye) (3) letr words all coincidences! just like GOD is 3 letters & reverse spell;s DOG (man best Friend)!, Live Is Evil, u get it!.. Put your seat belt on fern! its gonna get bumpy Crazi naziyi!, we see 3 Dimensions. 3 Gods, God , Lord , Satan(snake), 6 is many Legion-deities, 8 blue bloods!..^not in this order by rule^ but in that kinda simmilar pattern!^Father Or Mother mybe Both? is God, Lord(She)or(him)mybe both !?! , Satan(snake)Reptile/dinosaeurs/ even humans! we have reptile 3rd generation primal part of all our brains. there is 33rd degrees in freemasons! water boils a 33* there is 3 General commendments Thys shall not kill thy shall not commit adultery & thy shal not steal!!! they were 3 in the garden god was gone restin lool wtv there was only 3 in garden, Snake(reptile-dragon-dino) Adam(atom) EvE (3v3) ( V not understood) would apriciate alternative opinions *(numbers)``Then the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?`````Virgin Mary``` Virgen de los Treinta y Tres (Virgin of the Thirty-Three)*33* is the numericaL represantation of the sTAR OF dAVID! *i can go on until i force ur mind to see the pattern but its not my purpus to brainwash you`s only to put and show the patterns! seek for thy self!!! 33numerology, one of the master numbers.Axis of earth is 23.5 N & 156.55 S devise or multiply those numbers u get 6.66 & 3678.9(( E is W or M & or 3 as above soo below in our 3d quantum`s is always mirrored side to side 180`flip`` as Nasa do with their damn pictures. up to down vice versa un 180` (v-flip) 180 plus 180 --360 3, 6, 0«infinite, wich can mean 8 Or None! 0-Noting non existant!! this is part of a algorytm secret covenent wich was or is 2 be from,, Sumerians ancient french, Rome egypt English! its undetermined the complet algo... to yet 2 day! but this is part of the secret,ancient-new-world, covenent,algorythm!!! 3 becomes 3 leters in alphabet! C is 3rd leter can be switch for an 3--algorythm leter or numiral /3/ ex: 3OEWNEquals WOMEN Or CO_ _ _EN ( _ _ _ equals 3),/E,/W/,M 1 underscore is space! 2 under score space underscore is C, C__C could equals 33 -(B or E3W3/e Even C) could be all thy above! and be 8 ¨ -/33/- or -/33/-B¨This is for thy one`s who understand! 3 , 33 Equals 8 & 6 three-underscore _ _ _ (As above soo below) . at 13 yrs old jesus got lost for 3 days! zero is noting! 30 is 3 Jesus arrives at 30 yrs old *(zero is noting) **3** betrayed for 30 silver **3** was denied by disciple 3 times! there were 3 women at his death and ressurection! at 13 yrs old jesus got lost for 3 days! The 3rd Eye! the three laws of motion!, The 33 the master numbers *numerology* Jesus performes 33 Miracles!..Jesus dies age 33. ( 3 cross at crucifaction ) auround 3 pm ( darkness stood for 3 hours) 3 hrs to die! is name was written in 3 language ,-King of jews, king of heaven & king of earth - *3 kings* or king of kings, king of israel & king of jews? ressurected 3 days after... i can go on until i force ur mind to see the pattern but its not my purpus to brainwash you`s only to put and show the patterns! seek for thy self!!! 8 planets 8 is the infinite number 8 is 33 put together!. 3 colors , earth is the 3rd planet, startin to get it? newtton was in a tree(3) lookin at elenin comet when he discouverd the law of relativity!..Trinity College was newton`s college!! -- Hermeticism -- Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great").[3] 3 (Three) Tree`s gives us air to live, humans have 33 vertabre, tree(3) of good & evil / Knowlegde & tree(3) of Life.... 3 trinity`s (gods) .. (6 legion) is- Amen in numercal value equals 33. there is also, KKK in numerical value is 3x11, 11 11 11 equals 33 Pie is 3.14... earth tilt axis is 2.5... i could personaly bring this in Next crazy out of this world trolly, check Fern, wacko McDonald D disney prowlers, 3rd degree murder, 3 strikes ur out, 3 minutes bouts, 3 periods 1 meter = 3 feet, 10 meter = 33 feet ect..,.,. , Refering too 1one`s self is ( i ) (eye) (3) letr words all coincidences! just like GOD is 3 letters & reverse spell;s DOG (man best Friend)!, Live Is Evil, u get it!.. Put your seat belt on fern! its gonna get bumpy Crazi naziyi!, we see 3 Dimensions. 3 Gods, God , Lord , Satan(snake), 6 is many Legion-deities, 8 blue bloods!..^not in this order by rule^ but in that kinda simmilar pattern!^Father Or Mother mybe Both? is God, Lord(She)or(him)mybe both !?! , Satan(snake)Reptile/dinosaeurs/ even humans! we have reptile 3rd generation primal part of all our brains. there is 33rd degrees in freemasons! water boils a 33 Newton Scale!, there is 3 General commendments Thys shall not kill, thy shall not Lust & thy shal not steal.! they were 3 in the garden god was gone restin lool.. wtv there was only 3 in garden, Snake(reptile-dragon-dino) Adam(atom) EvE (3v3) ( V not understood) would apriciate alternative opinions * on what v could be or was /is!?(numbers)``Then the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?`````Virgin Mary``` Virgen de los Treinta y Tres (Virgin of the Thirty-Three)*33* is the numericaL represantation of the sTAR OF dAVID!Arsenic 33, arranged in a tetrahedral structure in which each atom is bound to each of the other three (*3*) atoms by a single bond.with the three (_ 3_) atoms in the same double-layer being slightly closer than the three atoms in the next!, arsenic 33........The three (*3*) most common arsenic....Arsenic trioxide has been used in a variety of ways over the past 500 years, In subtoxic doses, soluble arsenic compounds act as stimulants, and were once popular in small doses as medicine by people in the mid-18th century. Electrical resistivity(20 °C) 333 nΩ•m,! Both have four atoms 2x4:8( 8 Splint in the middle as *sCcr3t numerical algorythm* shall we Name it! It will give you 33 , 2 /3`s 1 capital 1 minisculed for you Who will need a little slack to accept this take it! 33 is (XXX)-(| | |) also every web Is WWW, 33Masonic or 333 triple 3Adam of Eden Lives 930yrs numbers pattern 9 (as above soo below) 6 & 3 0 Is Notin Or Is 8-Infinite algorythme loop ( () ) as above soo below gives ( 8 ) vice versa on start & Finish .0.i can go on until i force ur mind to see the pattern but its not my purpus to brainwash you`s only to put and show the patterns! seek for thy self!!!(( E is W or M & or 3 as above soo below in our 3d quantum`s is always mirrored side to side 180`flip`` as Nasa do with their damn pictures. up to down vice versa un 180` (v-flip) 180 plus 180 -360 3, 6, 0«infinite, wich can mean 8 Or None! 0-Noting non existant!! this is part of a algorytm secret covenent wich was or is 2 be from,, Sumerians... ancient french, ect.. Rome... egypt... English..! its undetermined the complet Secret Ancient algo33... to yet 2 day! but this is part of the secret,ancient-new-world, covenent,algorythm!!! 3 becomes 3 leters in alphabet! C is 3rd leter can be switch for an 3--algorythm leter or numiral /3/ ex: 3OEWN, Equals WOMEN Or CO_ _ _EN ( _ _ _ equals 3),/E,/W/,M 1 underscore is space! 2 under score space underscore is C, C__C would equals 33 -(B or E3W3/e Even C) could be all thy above! and be 8 ¨ -/33/ or -/33/ & B..For example, log2(8) = 3, because 2 |3 = 8 ``Logarithm``Once you start with the assumption that a given passage does not mean what it says, but rather 'something else', you open the cover on a Pandora's box of wild imaginings and bizarre interpretations, Subliminal & Cosmic, Magic, Revelations! in the Law of earthly & dimensionaly hidden Patterns in plain sight of thy 3 EYE`s ! ! ! My Birthday`s Numerical Value is |33|

9 years ago

Jonathan Green

Only thing that is imperfect is your own mind. check out *ThePresent* at *TruthContest•Com*

9 years ago

ToMas StoVall

6 dislikes on one of the greatest tracks ever, unreal

9 years ago

wyo music

this is dope!

10 years ago

nino brown

k rino real peeps .real rap like k rino cant and wont get played .on commercial waves or t.v

10 years ago

Da Truth

Krino speaks dat real!

10 years ago


im feelyn' thiz emcee hez mynd bloyn'

10 years ago

Asanda Bikani

Thank you my brother, I am a brother from Occupied Azania and I have healed so much from listening to K-Rino. He is like the person that you need to hear say the words that you NEED to hear, as if he is able to time-travel. I am glad that I know him and know people like you. Uhuru, thank you my brother. That's real

10 years ago


Preach k-rino!!!

10 years ago

charlene mitchell

I'm with you with the comment, but it was a lil hard to thumps you with those 3-6s lol.

10 years ago


hes one of the best today and prolly most talented

10 years ago

Nightwalker Offiziell

Respect! Real shit right here

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