Jessica Curry - Amnesia: A Machine for Pig Ending (A Child's Shadow & The New Century Dawns) video free download

Duration: 03:31
Uploaded: 2013/09/10

A fantastic track from the original score for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs composed by Jessica Curry.

The Cellist was Jonathan Byers

The Pianist was Jessica Curry who also played the Glass Armonica, the Zither, the Water Harp and other Assorted Musical Curiosities through the Power of Digital Sampling

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Concept art by Ben Andrews


5 years ago

T.E.W 1.01

Amazing shit

5 years ago


so beautiful

5 years ago

Mechanic Mason

The 20th century were the real dark ages...

6 years ago

Pyro Maniac

Here's my interpretation of the Machine's final speech.-"I have stood knee-deep, In mud and bone, and filled my lungs with mustard gas."WW1, mustard gas was used often by both sides, and battlefields were often described as filled with mud produced by the blood of the soldiers who died there and the scorched earth."I have seen two brothers fall..."Probably a reference to the collapse of Austria-Hungary after WW1 (the rest of the list is in chronological order, meaning it had to happen right after WW1. It can't a reference to the 9/11 attacks because that was in the early 21st century)"I have lain with holy wars..." I wasn't too sure about this, but it might refer to the Chinese "Boxer" rebellion, in which chinese farmers killed many christians. It could also be the start of the destabilization of the middle east."and copulated with the autumnal fallout."The first usage of the atomic bomb."I have dug trenches for refugees..."Probably the first use of mass graves by terrorist organizations in the middle east."I have murdered dissidents where the ground never thaws..."Stalin's incarceration of political opponents in Siberian Gulags."And starved the masses into faith!"The comment Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward, led to the starvation and death of up to 75 million chinese."A child's shadow burnt onto the the brickwork"It could be WW2 again, but I have my doubts because of the chronological order thing."A house of skulls in the jungle..."Probably either the massacres of the Khmer Rouge or the Rwandan genocide of the Tutsis

6 years ago

Ricardo Affonso

emo as fuck

6 years ago

Ethan Johnson

thanks :Dtoo bad you couldn't mute his voice

6 years ago

Peter Hatoru

They will make you pigs all... what about XXI century?

6 years ago


I beat this game within a single night, yet it still stands as a great game in my eyes.

6 years ago

Jaina Proudmoore

The best ending in the horror games, still after 4 years! :'3

6 years ago


Who else wants new amnesia what is like this?

6 years ago

uncle hank

This song, either instrumental or not, is going to play on my funeral.I'm not fucking kidding

6 years ago

Hitchens Razor

Don't care how late this comment is, or how old the video is. The final monlogue of the antgonist will always resonate with me.

6 years ago

Pfizer Novartis

That decision would make any man get crazy for sure. To let thousands of people die and kill your children in vain, or to block the history and destroy human future. He chose well. For the Universe, the history must follow the designed path. To block the future could have caused the end of everything we know today. We, as we know each other, wouldn't exist. He would have killed us, we are a future he decided to exist. We live, because other died, we are we, because other couldn't be.It's incredibly sad.

6 years ago

Alex Rivas

This games plot gets sad when(SPOILERS) his kids are revealed to be dead

6 years ago

Kaan K.

I think I will play this game...

6 years ago


I played that game end yesterday and that song was that what made me feeling sad.

6 years ago


thats the best monologue in game history for me.

6 years ago

lux hollands

Is there a version without the speech? I can't find one

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