INTERVIEW: Amy Grant - Embarrassing Moments (Sample Clip) video free download

Duration: 01:58
Uploaded: 2011/07/25

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An excerpt from's EXCLUSIVE interview with Grammy Award-winning artist, Amy Grant. FULL INTERVIEW:

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8 years ago

Jennifer Jones

Pretty hateful shit being spouted wow. If I did not know God, you would certainly discourage my meeting him.

9 years ago

Felix Hu

If those wants to be modern day pharisees by judging and want to be " Holier than you" attitude then be prepared to be judged by GOD. ... O yes ... GOD is not blind to see the hearts of man.. remember Lucifer the extremely bright angel which no angels can read his rebellious heart only GOD see the speck of darkness compass by the bright brilliant light of Lucifer ..not an atom of darkness escapes HIS eyes... so think again when you want to judge by your own "holiness" .. Remember your righteousness is but a dirty rags in the presence of GOD,

10 years ago


Are some of you posters condemning Amy from the Westboro Baptist church? Only God knows our hearts and Amy's, not you....she's human like we all are, and we all sin....only Jesus can wash away our sins to be forgiven. And it is NOT our place to judge...only God can judge...not you or me. 

10 years ago

Bolte SDawn

Her saying she's not a Christian singer is like a smoker saying they don't smoke when they clearly do?? That's

10 years ago


Another truth, Racer X, is that it's an eternal error for Amy (or any other unrepentant adulteress) to love sexual immorality more than she loves God (John14:24, Matt10:37, 7:23). The loss of physical beauty in this realm counts for nothing compared to the loss of any inheritance in God's Kingdom (1Cor6:9, Heb10:26-27).

10 years ago

Racer X

As a teenager I had a huge crush on Amy Grant. I thought she was stunningly beautiful. When I look at her old videos now, it's easy to see why I felt that way. However, when I see her today, I can see God's truth about the desires of the flesh. Beauty fades away. It's not that Amy isn't still pretty, especially for a woman her age, but rather that her beauty has faded, and it will continue to fade. It's an important visual lesson that helps me understand God's truth about this world.

10 years ago


Call in the clowns!

10 years ago

Tom Richards

Oh and Sween, you called me Judge Tom. Clearly the only person judging here is you and Yeeaaawhooo. I appreciate your faith, just don't agree with trying to use your faith to denegrate another human being in this way. I don't judge you, but you clearly have judged me.

10 years ago

Tom Richards

Those test your faith more then Amy Grant's life choices. Look at yourself. preach those scriptures to yourself. When you can say you no longer need those because you have lived up to all of them, then you can criticize me and Amy. Until then, just leave her alone. Like Fanta said, that is between her and God. You are not God. Also, I like the way you all vote negative so that my comments are removed. Clearly your own preaching cannot stand up to my thoughts, as you require them to not be seen.

10 years ago

Tom Richards

My faith has been tested, more then maybe Job. I wonder, if Sween or Yeeaashoooo have ever been truly tested. Have you ever been at the end of the knife of an evil man in the deserts of Afghanistan? Did your father die when you were 16 and you were left to fend for your family? Have you ever been in a head on collision caused by a drunk driver and endured two years of therapy just to get back on your feet? Have you ever lost your job only to find that the company also stole from you/ ?

10 years ago

Tom Richards

Are the gnostic gospels wrong, or did man not like what they said and decide not to include them? Is Orthodox Catholisicm better then Roman Catholicism? Which Protestant belief system is true? Even the Bible is written differently depending on who you study with. Is it impossible to believe that God put Vince and Amy together? Maybe he wants us to see something you for some reason can't.

10 years ago

Tom Richards

I can quote scripture and verse better then you, but I will not, as it is irrelevant here. There is a difference between preaching the good news and decrying the actions of a singer who most "Christians" think went astray because she decided to crossover to pop music. We are all imperfect. Is your belief the right one? Only time and death will tell. My Jehovah's Witness friend believes only 144k will go to heaven, because that is what the Bible states. Is he wrong? Or is YOUR interpretation.

10 years ago

D Swean

Amy worshiper Fanta Cat says: go away. But God says (Luke19:40): “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out.”

10 years ago

D Swean

Judge Tom Richards categorically states: they also think Tim Tebow is going to hell While, by contrast, God states (1Cor6:9): Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor "malakos", nor "arsenokoites" [will inherit the Kingdom of God]. Christians believe God, not His enemies (James4:4).

10 years ago

Tom Richards

Fanta as you and I know there is no use even discussing this with those who believe they are more Holy then us and have already decided that they have earned their place in Heaven, even though they will not know until that day comes. They choose to judge because they lack faith, period. I am sure they also think Tim Tebow is going to hell too. Yeeeeawwho will only find anxiety never peace. Good thing I have.

10 years ago


Yes, all have sinned, but not all go to hell! When God says unrepentant sodomites & adulteress like Amy go to hell, they do! [1Cor6:9, Heb10:26-27] When you embrace the world, you make yourself, like Amy, an enemy of God [James4:4]. Believers believe God, why don't you? If you think being cowardly in this "adulterous generation" will exempt you from God's Judgment, you better think again! [Mark8:38, Rev21:8] Amy already may be beyond hope [Heb6:4-6, 1John5:16], but little ones watching are not!

10 years ago


Did you read the post to which you responded? Did you read ANY of the referenced Scripture? Did you miss the part where God told the adulteress to STOP her adultery? God casts no stone when He tells us that those who don't STOP go to hell! [Heb10:26-27, 1Cor6:9] Read what He promised Jezebel for Amy's same refusal to repent. [Rev2:23] Ignorance of what God tells His disciples is one thing [John7:24, 1Cor6:3, 5:12]; replacing His Word with worldly opinion is quite another! [James4:4, 1John3:4,8]

10 years ago

Tom Richards

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. The comments here only show me people so insecure in themselves and their beliefs that they must denigrate others to ascend themselves. "For ALL have sinned and come short of the Glory of God." All of you. It was once said it is easy to be a religious man high on a mountain but to be a religious man in the real world is to walk the razors edge.

10 years ago


You commit the sin of satan when you take it upon yourself to contradict God [Luke8:21, 1John3:4,8] & to deem to replace God's Word with your frail, vain, carnal, worldly opinion! Christ promised to kill Jezebel's children for Amy's same refusal to repent of her adultery [Rev2:23]. Like Jezebel, Amy likely already is beyond hope! [Heb6:4-6, Luke17:2, 1John5:16] Why would you want to follow her? [Rom1:32]

10 years ago


Which of the referenced Scriptures do you think God does not say, or does not mean, and why? No reason God gives for failure to hear/heed him is good!!! [John 14:24, 8:47, 3:20, 12:40; 2Tim 4:3; 2Thes 2:11-12; Rom 1:28, 11:8; Heb6:4-6; 1John 3:8] Which of those reasons describe you? Believers believe God. Why don't you?

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