G. Love & Special Sauce - Rodeo Clowns video free download

Duration: 02:58
Uploaded: 2012/08/20

written by: Jack Johnson


9 years ago

Jab son

good jam

9 years ago

schmeef mahoner

i surf and i smoke g love is awesome

9 years ago


I remember going to a Jack Johnson concert right when Brushfire Fairytales came out, and he was opening for Ben Harper, and I remember hearing Jack and wondering why he sounded so familiar. Then he played Rodeo Clowns and me and my friend looked at eachother and yelled "Hell yeah, G. Love!" Love this song.

9 years ago

Edouard E

So what?

10 years ago


I love music for songs like this. People, sometimes really shitty artists tend to have at least one perfect song. I don't listen to this soft type of music too many times, but I recognize a perfect song when I listen to one. They are usually the ones that put me in a frantic mood when I can't find them by looking up the half-remembered lyrics. Thank God for Google because I may have driven myself half mad, if I was a child of the non-internet eras, with songs stuck in my head. Just another reason I'm glad for not just the computer age, but the internet age. God bless mp3s and the proliferation of music on the web. Now not only do we know how to find these songs through their lyrics, but once we find the song, we can listen to it immediately on Youtube and elsewhere. Some times I wonder if people really understand how epic and awesome it is that we have things like Google and Youtube. It is just an unprecedented information age that will only improve exponentially. I know I definitely appreciate this age.

10 years ago


This song is amazing. Hold up 15 yrs later.

10 years ago


Thanks G for turning me on to Jack Johnson.. And thanks to my homie Natedogg for turning me on to G. He ordered this album direct from philidelphonic, still got the book of matches and everything. We jammed this disc hard 99-02

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