Downset - Permanent Days Unmoving video free download

Duration: 02:29
Uploaded: 2013/06/10

Founded in Los Angeles in the late 80's as part of the thriving hardcore scene, downset has evolved into an icon of sorts. As the original blenders of rap, funk, hardcore, punk, metal, and socially aware lyrics, they drew influences from Black Flag to Black Sabbath, Public Enemy to Bob Marley. Becoming a huge draw, the industry took notice and they caught the attention of Mercury/PolyGram Records and released their self titled debut in 1994.


The minute is hard and it walks an unfit honest mile alone

The truth laid out to wait rest well and die cold

I know the method, lips drawn wide to turn and sway

To smile behind the biting tongue

Each of us danced well in lies the hand, the handle and the sword

Lies, there are those of us who will embrace lies

And yet if it comforts us we will do what lies do

When I confess there is no truth demons remain

Sleepless again in love with blood starved souls

Forgotten without sounds between birth and death

Lies will whisper deepest disintegration before the living

Lies fashioned with the images of angelic faces

It grows into a stillness and we will respond lies

Can I speak of deepest deaths unseen?

Pearl teardrops will fall from the faces of undeserved suffering

Forcing permanent days unmoving, forcing permanent days unmoving

Slicing clean but not as deep and what it equals scars will tell

Pain runs hard, hate runs clean and on the floor your whittlings fell

Because this monster begets the monster, myself and the thorn of fear

That the selfsame well from which my laughter comes

Would also bleed with my tears


10 years ago


In my younger days I would always skip over this song but it has recently become one of my favorites. Great lyrics delivered with effective music, a very powerful song.

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