Dark lunacy - Heart of Leningrad video free download

Duration: 06:11
Uploaded: 2006/11/01

Heart of Leningrad by Dark Lunacy.

Beautiful song (dramatic death metal)

Don't blame me for the video if you think it's stupid since i just put random WWII pictures there. Focus on the music ;)

A bit unsatisfied with the sound quality

Hope you like it

Here is the lyric:

I'm walking back from hell

Buried my life again

Stand alone, the claws within

I forget my name

I'm walking back from hell

People cared away

Suffering is what I see

In the void I lay

Between myself and death

There is my Leningrad

Beats a sound

The speakers all around

Beat my heart, go on

Beat my heart, I know you're tired

Make me feel we're still alive

Beat my heart, go on, be my metronome

Beat my heart, I know you're tired

Make me feel we're still alive

I know I'd die

I know I'd die for Leningrad

Beside my words

There is a radio

Beats a sound,

The heart of Leningrad, for Leningrad

Beat my heart, go on, for Leningrad

Beat my heart, I know you're tired

Make me feel we're still alive

Beat my heart, go on, be my metronome

Beat my heart, I know you're tired

Make me feel we're still alive

900 days, 900 Nights

I know you're tired

I know.


8 years ago

Lorenz Castañeda

Heart of Leningrad - Dark Lunacy - The Diarist ©2006

9 years ago

Игорь Семенцев

Dark Lunacy - "Heart of Leningrad"перевод Поэт: © Solo, 2011Эквиритмический перевод песни “Heart of Leningrad” итальянской группы Dark Lunacy с альбома "The Diarist" (2006)СЕРДЦЕ ЛЕНИНГРАДАЯ прохожу сквозь ад.Снова жизнь схоронил.Пальцы сжав, совсем один,Имя позабыл.Я прохожу сквозь ад.Люди не ясно, где.Вижу я страдания,Лёжа пустоте.Но между "я" и "ад"Стоит мой Ленинград,И стучатДинамики с оград.Сердце, бей, стучи!Бей, стучи! Устало ты.Дай мне знать, что живы мы!Сердце, бей, как гром! Ты - мой метроном!Бей, стучи! Устало ты.Дай знать, что ещё живём!Да, я умру. Да, я умру.Да, я умру за Ленинград.Кроме моих словЕщё есть радиоБьёт свой ритмСердце Ленинграда, за Ленинград!Сердце, бей, стучи! За Ленинград!Бей, стучи! Устало ты.Дай мне знать, что живы мы!Сердце, бей, как гром! Ты - мой метроном!Бей, стучи! Устало ты.Дай знать, что ещё живём!900 дней, 900 ночейУстало ты... Устало ты...Устало ты... Устало ты...Я знаю.-------------------------------------------------------Dark Lunacy. Выпущенный в 2006 году альбом "The Diarist" ("Дневникописец") посвящен Блокаде Ленинграда 1941-1943 годов. В песне "Сердце Ленинграда" упоминается знаменитый Метроном - передаваемые по радио сигналы, учащающиеся при воздушной тревоге и замедляющиеся при её отмене.

9 years ago


Siege of Leningrad. The Longest siege in history of war. 

10 years ago

Ruslan Smoilov

Тексты конечно не опишут тот ужас в городе во время блокады, но вполне интересны, хотя бы потому что в целом описывают факт захваты Ленинграда. Grazie per i vostri sforzi !!!Thank you guys for your efforts!!

10 years ago

Lars mich

' Beat my heart, go on, I know you're tired'.. Keep fighting people... The political Regime has run the world for too long, they bleed us dry...... Wake Up... They kill us via Food,water and air.... And the first who say to me other, I know Is an Govt. Shill, with no respect for own life and family ... Sad you.... Killing us all...

10 years ago

Lars mich

Ohhh I am soooo fregging Sick of All these Fake wars.... It is all the Rich Elites creating wars to make money... Wake Up Please.. They always find a 'new enemy' to fight against.. Liars are what they are...

10 years ago


То, что о таком поет заграничная группа, это позор для русского металла. Правда, он (русский металл) всегда был полным дерьмом, за исключением отдельных групп. 

10 years ago

Roman Adamyuk

Мой дедушка еще жив.

10 years ago


Витя, ты прибалтийский ублюдок?

10 years ago


Витя Напай - заткнись сука!!!!

10 years ago

Vitja Napai

Russian Soldiers Rape all Woman they saw in the War murder child and Russia kills the most civillian in ww2

10 years ago

game forobot


11 years ago


Coments about politics in a music video... im just sad.

11 years ago


only ones who probably "follows" fascistic ideologies are 14 years old kids that dont even know what fascism is.just trying to be dangerous.but they are actually bunch of stupid kids.

11 years ago


Иди нахуй. Get the fuck out.

11 years ago


Go masturbate his sausage, we beat you one time, we could overcome twice ...

11 years ago


Remember Poland... And by the way, if you look upon Russia's history, they always were imperialist. The only reason Russia doesn't keeps a outwardly imperialist foreign policy is due to their abysmal failure to modernize, and thus be able to develop the advanced technology and industrial strength that made the USA the lords of this world.

11 years ago

Igor Welkenbach

LMFAO, yeah, sure they'd do that just out of the blue. I'm pretty sure the "innocent" nazis didnt deserv what they got.. hell, if you ask me the invading soviets of that time were some sort of cherubs. Any other nationality, after having been butchered and raped by the millions like they were would leave not a single living thing still breathing in Germany. Don't be a fucking hypocrate, you ignorant tool. you cunts from your country would have done 100 fold worse. I know i would

11 years ago


Sieg Hail

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