Costel Busuioc - Ave Maria (live) video free download

Duration: 03:56
Uploaded: 2008/06/13

Costel Busuioc sings Ave Maria at the Philarmonic Hall in Timisoara

(live recording with a handheld Canon Ixus 75)

- Background

Starting as a poor Romanian worker and shepherd, Busuioc settled down in Madrid, Spain in 2006, where he started working as a bricklayer in order to support his family back home. Busuioc has sung opera arias and Christian music since he was a teenager; he used to be a cantor in several Transylvanian churches.

- Winner of "Hijos de Babel" contest

While in Spain, a friend insisted that he take part in an audition for the local immigrant-oriented talent contest called Hijos de Babel (sp. "Babel's children"). Of the 4,000 people who had initially signed up for the contest, Busuioc was pronounced the winner on 13 March 2008, after passing a tie-break stage the same day -- he first sang the air Libiamo ne' lieti calici from Traviata by Verdi and then Puccini's Nessun dorma (from the opera Turandot), which won him the contest. The offered prize brought Busuioc a contract with Sony BMG; it was stated that the record label is currently arranging that Busuioc's family move to Madrid, as they could not afford so by their own means.

- Instruction and capabilities

The story of Busuioc had a large impact back in Romania -- for years, he had struggled to obtain support in order to develop his vocal capabilities, but poverty and lack of musical training forestalled any success. However, Busuioc actually had musical lessons in Timişoara for three years, but the quality of the lessons was rather modest and his schedule was so tiresome that he could hardly he find the time to practice.

Busuioc was nicknamed the "Pavarotti of the Carpathians" for his vocal capabilities, given that his formal training is minimal. The songs and arias he chose to sing during the Hijos de Babel contest demanded a tenor B (only a semitone below the tenor C) several times.

(quoted from wikipedia)


11 years ago

Videogame Checker

Take a look at youtube to: Ricardo Marinello - Ave Maria - Franz Schubert An unknow tenor but this is the right way to sing this song (Lied) from Franz Schubert. Only show his big and fat voice is not art. Costel should think about this ! ! ! ! ! !

13 years ago


Costele, geez ce voce ti-a dat Dumnezeu! Cultiv-o si vei avea mari satisfactii! SUPERB!

14 years ago

Catalina Madalina

superb mai canta omul acesta..pacat ca tara noastra nu stie sa-si descopere si ajute talentele adevarate..pacat ca tara nu ne ofera nimic....nimic.....!!!!!!!!!!!pacat ca romanii sunt sclavi la altii in tara,pacat ca acest om..(talent al secolului)a fost ajutat si promovat de altii...rusine ROMANIA!!!!!halal democratie....halal guvern....parlament...halal!pacat de tara este frumoasa,dar si frumusetea ramasa dispare incetul cu incetul.PACAT

14 years ago


ma mir ca ''stii'' atat de multe din toate domeniile totusi tin sa iti amintesc ceva ,in show-urile astea se c-am stie cine castiga de la inceput oricum el are o voce buna dar nu iti da nimeni voie sa spui ca este cea mai buna voce de roman crede-ma stiu ce zic . Si nu iti permit sa imi spui mie "neica" pentru ca trebuie sa te uiti putin in oglinda si o sa iti dai seama de ce spun asta. ok?

14 years ago


sunt destui mai buni ca el A avut noroc sa fie remarcat si promovat! atat!

15 years ago


Inregistrarea mea nu este de o calitate prea buna. Tot ce va pot spune e ca sala a fost arhiplina (lucru f rar la filarmonica) si ca sala a aplaudat in picioare. Cu totii am fost emotionati si fericiti ca am fost acolo. Cine il contesta trebuia sa fie in sala aceea cu noi.

15 years ago

Focea Vlad

Bai...u2bmetub. Da tu in calitate de ce, is curios, iti dai tu parerea asa...Stii, creca au gresit aia de la Faimosul concurs Unde sunt printre cei mai aspri critici...Ma, idioti aia ma, cum sa castige Costel cand ei au vazut clar ca nu are nici un imbru, canta fals. Pff.. bine ca esti tu "destept" si restul lumii si interpretilor si oamenilor care cunosc, nu eu, dar cei care cunosc, is prosti.

15 years ago


Multumesc pentru opinia dumneavoastra. Deci problema exista si a fost confirmata. Sint de acord cu ce ati spus deasemenea. Si eu ii doresc numai bine, dar doresc mai mult bine artei operatice, care este in decadere in unele cazuri. LOL Problema ce o am cu dinsul este ca nu are un timbru anume si nu are muzicalitate si nici interpretare. Parerea mea profesionala este ca nu va deveni niciodata mai mult de un cintaret mediocru si nu va cinta profesional in nici o casa de opera reputabila.

15 years ago


Ce legatura are asta cu mine ma, esti cumva mototol? Asta nu are de a face cu persoana mea. Eu nu am postat videouri cintind fals si nemuzical. El cinta fals, nu eu.

15 years ago


Cand o sa canti tu acolo, atunci sa vorbesti! Intai sa te uiti la tine si apoi la alti oameni!

15 years ago


N-aude nimeni ba ca asta cinta fals si tipa? Destupati-va ma urechile cei care-l pupati in cur ca aveti coacaze lipite cu ceara in canalurile auditorii ma surzilor ma!

15 years ago



15 years ago


E din moldova dar a fost adaoptat cu toata dragostea de banateni si a ales sa se stabileasca langa Timisoara. de fapt e un roman genial ..

15 years ago


Niciodata vocea ta nu a rasunat mai frumos

15 years ago


Costel acasa la Timisoara... Te iubim mult,mult

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