Christy Moore - Hey! Ronnie Reagan video free download

Duration: 03:14
Uploaded: 2007/06/19

Comical political song about the former fatcat


9 years ago


It was worse with bho , the CITIZENS of ballymoney allowed themselves to be uncivilized by a band of foreign bullies that hasn't happened since the tans ,

9 years ago

Rich Richrdson


10 years ago

Terrell Robinson

Love Christy. Love Ronnie more.

11 years ago


the song is about ronnie reagan...not about the people of the usa...the clue is in the title

11 years ago


Dunno why Moore singles out Reagan here.. does he think that Kennedy visited Ireland for anything other than a glorious photo-op? I doubt either of them gave a shit.

11 years ago


You do want to steal my "shit." That's why you're a socialist. You're a thief. Your choice of words also betrays your lack of intelligence. Your anger proves the moral superiority of my side to yours. I do not intend to treat you as you intend to treat me. I do not desire theft as you do. Go in peace.

11 years ago


im stealing all your shit,your not allowed to vote...your wealth is mine now...because of your religious beliefs,i will never hire you...when you starve i will say you deserve it...your rights are gone...capitulate and serve me,or does it feel to be rich you fucking thief?...your an uneducated baboon who spends daddy's fuck off and die

11 years ago

Stiofan Mac Carthaigh

It never ceases to amaze me, the numerous Irish Americans, who go around spouting about their Irishness and idealising and romanticising Ireland. Yet when people who currently live in Ireland tell them a few home truths about the bankruptcy of the American political and economic system, its no coincidence that these plastic paddies' American-ness comes racing to the surface, and the Irishness gets reserved for St Pats day.

11 years ago

Jenell Scherbel

I agree. At the time, I worked with a group of Quakers, Presbyterians, and Catholics putting on programs in the U.S. about American support and even training of the death squads in El Salvador, Guatamala and Nicaragua, some of whom made it into the U.S.t o continue their killing here. You got it right. Reagan was a disaster. His economic policies also paved the way for the current economic troubles of the entire world, following the debacle of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis and Recession.

11 years ago


who but the whole country has been electing corruption as its head for past more then a couple of decades?

11 years ago


can't make a real argument against what you oppose so you resort to unsubstantiated personal attacks, pretty retarded comment bro

12 years ago

Göran Jartin

*"Hey, Ronnie Reagan, I'm black and I'm pagan**I'm gay and I'm left and I'm free**I'm a non-fundamentalist environmentalist* *Please don't bother me."*---*Me, I'm pagan, and sort of left - the rest don't apply. But for me, the song is about being whatever you are, and being proud of it - and about standing up for each other. Be what ever you are, but don't let anyone step on your face. Please don't bother us!**I've shared this one before, and I probably will again. For those of you who don't know about Ronald Reagan - google him!*

12 years ago


Sorry Brennan doesn't understand the message- Christy dislikes the politics of Reagan and those like him. He understands that not every American is responsible for that. I guess thats hard for you to comprehend- after all, by your own admission you are a conservative.

12 years ago

Gambit Infull

I'm a Christian, I'm a Conservative, I'm Irish-American, and I listen to Christy Moore; in fact, I'll be at his concert soon. I love Ireland, hell my girlfriend lives there. Every time I visit the people are lovely. I love the US, and if any of you come to visit around where I live, you'll find people like me who would give their shirt off their back for ya. You can all check your hate and bigotry at the door because you wont find any well-versed person pandering to either side.

13 years ago


@SHAZZJACK. You should practice what you preach. US CIA helped to facilitate the creation and support of the Contras as opposition to the Sandinistas in 1981. The Central Intelligence Agency (when they didn't have much for checks and balances), NOT the President, Congress, or Federal Courts. Yes it was a black mark on his political career because he was in office at the time, but the less he knew, the less he would be accountable for. Thats how ALL Governments function.

13 years ago


@McNubbins1 I think it has something to do with the likes of @ignati123 there. Plus about 90% of the rest of the poor folks from USA who have terrribly arrogant attitudes and love to show off their total ignorance in a most condescending manner. plus about 10,000 other things that youz tend to get up to, like shrugging off responability for the enormous pain and suffering that has been caused since those ex-european maniacs began the slaughter of the indigenous.

13 years ago


@McNubbins1 Let's just be clear that calling out Ronnie Reagan for being the shmuck he was isn't at all the same as hating on Americans. Well, possibly with the exception of those Americans who still, years on, think he was more than a disaster.

13 years ago


@McNubbins1 I don't think any of are judging the American people in any bad way.... but rather what Political policies projected by that state whih has been the cause of so muchsuffering and misery to so many hapless peoples around the Globe...

13 years ago


@paulcremin Wow, my feelings are hurt. :>( Really concise, factual attack there. You displayed the facts and data really well in supporting your point. lol at you! I bet you punch those keys a lot harder than you can punch in real life.

13 years ago

Paul Cremin

@ignati123 lol at you!!!! ignorant prick!

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