Carpenters - Heather video free download

Duration: 03:11
Uploaded: 2010/01/05

"Heather" is an instrumental tune from Karen and Richard's 5th album "Now & Then." The clip at the end of the video is taken from a television ad for the "Voice Of The Heart" album.

The tune was originally written in the early Seventies as background music for a Geritol commercial. Richard contacted the composer John Pearson and requested permission to record the song. Pearson agreed and also told Richard the name of the tune - "Autumn Reverie." He gave Richard permission to retitle the song and it was John Bettis (lyricist for the Carpenters) who thought of the name "Heather."

The house on the cover of the album is the house Karen and Richard bought for their parents in the early Seventies. The Carpenter House, at 9828 Newville Ave., was the longtime home of the Carpenter family, and where Karen Carpenter collapsed Feb. 4, 1983. She was rushed to Downey Community Hospital where she died of cardiac arrest.

Following the deaths of Agnes and Harold Carpenter, the house fell into disrepair. Richard finally sold the house in the late '90's. Several years ago, the current owner announced that the home next door (9821 Newville) was on track to be torn down, and the actual Carpenter House would soon follow. City Hall records revealed an application to demolish the house at 9821 Newville, but none for 9828. Records listed Manuel Parra as the property owner of 9821 Newville. When contacted, language barriers made it difficult to ask him about the demolition.

Carpenter fans who consider the house to be their "Graceland" were horrified to learn of the impending demolition. "A few of us Carpenters fans went to the sale and were horrified at the condition of the house and the grounds," Rod Reynolds, a fan who attended an estate sale at the house, said. "When Richard and Karen lived there, they had a magnificent Japanese garden in the backyard. This garden has crumbled into disrepair and most of the foliage is dead. The fountains and river-let are completely dried up."

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I have heard that an annex which housed a recording studio where Richard composed most of his songs has already been torn down. I don't know about the rest of the house.


9 years ago


What a beautiful song.

9 years ago

Amy Wong

good music

9 years ago

Marty Howe

Such a pretty song. If this doesn't move one to tears over lost people & times, nothing will.

9 years ago

Grant Kersey

Simply beautiful. Reminds me of my teenage years growing up in East London/Essex. 

10 years ago

paulo Roberto


10 years ago


She was an angel.God wanted one back....Re Heather, that video mix is VERY insightful. Especially the last frame.Something about Richard I always wondered....

10 years ago

Jim Forney

Well done..

10 years ago

Whildney Sousa

O melhor grupo musical de TODOS OS TEMPLOS!

10 years ago


OMG what a beautiful woman Karen was. Such a tragic loss for everybody that knew & loved her. She has been taken away from us too soon. Surely she is singing & entertaining in heaven with the angels.

10 years ago

Evert van der Linde


10 years ago


i miss everything about you

10 years ago

Marco Gutierrez

hola, tengo una confusiòn... a mi me encanta esta melodìa... y en el 75 yo tenìa 16 años y escuchaba radio hits en fm hasta el final de su programaciòn... y creo que la ponìan como despedida... es muy nostàlgico porque ya no existe ni esa ni ninguna estaciòn de ese tiempo... solo Universal... y esa despedida no sè de donde la sacaste y donde la tenìas guardada.. gracias por compartirla ... un saludo afectuoso... y que hermoso es recordar con es melodìa esa època... de mi vocacional no. 1

10 years ago


.....luchar contra quienes se opongan, para un sueño a gusto, una sonrisa, quitar la careta de la cara de la gente, y enseñar a quien no sepa, que la felicidad es gratis, que no hay riqueza que valga, si se es pobre de corazón, que la pobreza vive, mientras no nace el amor, gracias por la vida ! gracias a tí, como te llames señor, que de cualquier forma eres el mismo"

10 years ago


Al escuchar esta melodia me transporte a los 70's cuando la programación de RADIO HIT'S empezaba con un poema y esta canción de fondo que rezaba "hoy tenemos que dar las gracias, gracias, por disfrutar de un nuevo dia, gracias, porque tenemos la alegría y la tristeza, el optimismo y el pesimismo, porque podemos estar contentos ó enojados, por el poder de disernir y de elegir, porque en nosotros consiste, y solo en nosotros, encontrar los alicientes, ser felices debe ser nuestra meta y..........

10 years ago

nector martinez

cuando a don ramon la tia de pati le acaricia la cara sacandole la azucar que le habia arrojado la bruja del 71 por celos.

11 years ago


Dit was het verhaal, van deze plaat...

11 years ago

Dee Richardson

Amazing wonderful work that I have loved for years... all superb Artists ..Sad that in life things change houses depreciate and people die, but the happiness in their music lives on and time can only show that these artists were some of the worlds most talented musicians.

11 years ago

Jeff Missinne

"My wife takes Geritol every day...I think I'll keep her."

11 years ago

Ross Gonzales

wonderful sounds.... very relaxing.......

11 years ago

Rick Lewis

Flip side of Top Of the World.

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