Born This Way - The Columbus Gay Men's Chorus video free download

Duration: 04:04
Uploaded: 2012/03/05

As part of the Columbus Bicentenial celebration concert, Home and Country, the Columbus Gay Men's Chorus sings Born This Way during the 'Diva Anthem' section.

February 2012

Artistic Director and Arranger: Dr. Timothy Sarsany


8 years ago

Maru Shinu Nakamura

Oh god, they are so fabulous <3

8 years ago


I know it is her job but is it just me who thinks the signer had a great time?

8 years ago

Chris Cabalona

werrrrkk <3

9 years ago


Haha bien bien, el talento se reconoce

9 years ago

Phillip Utterback

the guy front and center is so into it...and i love it! mother monster would be so proud

9 years ago


Clear the dance floor, this monster needs room to dance.

9 years ago

Mi Key

Why dance until like so woman... woman also don't dance like that... don't don't... urghhh.... crappy dance... massive failure...

9 years ago

micael ros

what a bunch of divas. . . LOL. . .TERRIFIC !!! PUT A SMILE ON MY FACE RIGHT UP. . .

9 years ago

micael ros

what a bunch of divas. . . LOL. . .TERRIFIC !!! PUT A SMILE ON MY FACE RIGHT UP. . .

9 years ago


It seems that the characterization of certain sexual activities and preferences as 'natural' is often inspired by the wish to legitimize them, and in this effort, semantic and conceptual confusion tend to creep in;the actual meaning of the term 'natural', which of course means 'relating to Nature', is simply modified to signify 'normal', or 'good'.Whatever many other people do must be 'normal', isn't considered 'bad' or 'wicked', and therefore becomes 'natural' to those who can't take responsibility for their practices, nor are inclined to assess them honestly.This conceptually and semantically unsound appeal to Nature as the authoritative template and reference onto which one's sexuality is edified has been especially pervasive in circles of gay activism, for self-evident reasons:if it's 'natural', then it's ok, and in the very order of Life.If homosexuality is natural, then nature must generate homosexual desire, and make homosexuals, meaning homosexuals must be 'born that way'.And if homosexuals are 'born that way', then it 'is not their fault', and discrimination becomes unfair.Such reasoning has been a cornerstone of gay activism, and largely explains why most gays today believe they are 'born that way'.The strategic usefulness of a 'born-this-way' narrative for purposes of gay militancy is clear and easy to grasp, and is a rather typical case of opportunism dictating what is considered true.This isn't to say that the average gay is willfully deceiving society;sheer ignorance and sloppy thinking also contribute much to the pervasiveness of the born-this-way dogma: many gays actually conclude on the basis of the experiential reality that they never chose to be gay, that it must necessarily follow they were INDEED born that way.They erroneously deduce from this fact, of not having chosen homosexual desire and to be a homosexual, that their biology must perforce have equipped them with it. This reflects a complete ignorance of even the crudest basics of the age old nature versus nurture issue.You can be a 'native anglophone' without being born with a ' gene' for it, obviously...These things shouldn't have to be explained...but unfortunately the modern gay man chants mantras like 'It Gets Better', or 'We've Come a Long Way', or 'Gay = Good'; he doesn't think much.So it must be innate...Believing otherwise is dangerous to the gay cause, presenting a sliding slope, and giving a headache. When not taking innateness for granted, then one must search for an actual reason for homosexuality, reminding us of the days of the medical model of homosexuality, and its dark history of castrations, hormone treatments, creepy therapies and experiments and even lobotomies.Or sends us right back to the body of psychoanalytic literature: theories of weak ego-development, absent fathers and psychotic, domineering mothers and basically, to theories that posit homosexuality is all about some mishap in the natural developmental scenario and order of things.Gays have rejected all that negative dark stuff from the past, and have now simply decided they were born this way, which is really more convenient.Thus it is simply posited today, like some foundational dogma that can't be analyzed or questioned, that homosexuality is basically inborn, is really 'natural' and therefore without doubt has a 'genetic' basis.Even though everyone knows mammals only mate to make progeny, and males only mate with fertile females during certain times of the year, NOT with other males,the gay lobby argues that 'gay sex' is really everywhere in Nature:male bonobos inspecting each other's genitals, bottlenose dolphins of the same sex rubbing noses or male dogs mounting a submissive male dog are perceived as conclusive instances of homosexual behaviour in nature...Countless young gays today actually bring up such examples, which is kind of creepy, when it's so perfectly evident all animals in nature are 'heterosexual'. It's creepy because it involves such a large distortion of reality, common sense, honesty, discernment, and therefore practically reeks of mental illness.Homosexuals would indeed have something of a case if large numbers of male mammals were found in nature who:-penetrated other males-chose penetration of males even in the presence of fertile femalesWe all know that such instances have not been reported.The problem with this bigotry and bad reasoning and sloppy thinking is that it is so defensive,so non-plausible, such a proclamation of defeat and dishonesty; it also means gays have abandoned the effort to understand their own identities, their own homosexuality: they don't know who they are, as Harry Hay, a communist agitator and condoner of paedophilia, the father of modern gaylib, already liked to say back in the 1950s. Like the bible belt bigots they so much complain about, gays have come to adhere to what has simply become dogma, which of course can never convince their opponents, nor elucidate their homosexual condition or provide a solid basis for understanding who they even are. Ironically, the net effect of this uncritical belief in the 'born this way' - dogma, that isn't grounded in reality or common sense, is that it confers control over the entire issue precisely to the medical system AGAIN.Because if it's 'inborn' then anatomical differences, atypical hormone levels or variations in biological functions must be found, which relegates the issue to the medical experts. But the anatomists and other experts always came up short and never found conclusive anatomical or physiological differences responsible for homosexuality.So today, the new generations of experts concentrate on the microscopic realms, of DNA and genes, which of course, nobody can check at all.So gays knowing nothing about their gayness, they rely on scientists now, actually hoping they will be told by some creepy, very ungay, programmed, ambitious, conformistic, government- or Big Pharma-funded nerd in a white lab coat what sequence of nucleic acids has made them gay, so as to be done with the issue:it MUST be innate, and the waiting is for scientific authorities to prove this or rather, to simply announce it.This puts gays in a position that is alarmingly weak and passive, having not even a conceptual understanding of their own proclaimed identities, and fully relying on medical authorities and political backing.This absence of real references and real understanding is also illustrated most tellingly by one of the hallmark events in the history of gaylib: the unlisting of homosexuality as a mental illness from the DSMIV back in 1974.Considered an amazing gay victory, headlines in the US at the time ran:'20 million homosexuals gain instant cure'.This unlisting occurred after a decade of intense lobbying and 'zaps' (gay mediatic actions), and a final, dramatic and farcical speech at the APA by an anonymous shrink called doctor Fryer.This laughable speech should be read by all gays, just to see what a joke it really was.Psychiatry declassified homosexuality as a disorder because this simply had been decided in high places; the unlisting was never based on scientific data of any kind.Considering this a gay victory means that gays accept psychiatry's verdict and moral authority;they consider they are mentally healthy because psychiatry now considers them so, or pretends it does, even though no arguments were ever provided for this change of stance.It follows that there is no acceptable reason either gays or shrinks could come up with to declare homosexuality sane; the decision to unlist had been political solely, and psychiatry is STILL society's authority on mental health.On such quicksand all of gaylib has been built, and the results of this shaky effort are becoming increasingly visible:all gays have left today is propaganda-lines and cultist dogma, and the idea is that shrieking at society long and hard enough,using the media and political lobbying, they are furthering their cause, they are winning... But no lasting cause can be built on quicksand.Screaming hard and loud may yield temporary effects through intimidation and bullying, but such techniques eventually call up reactions.Gays themselves are signalling more and more 'hatred' and 'homophobia' are rising in society, and victimology and confrontation have pretty much become THE defining features of gay discourse in the public arena.The solution is more laws, more educational programs, more reliance on state and authority to curb rising anti-gay hate. Thus gay militancy has surreptitiously been transformed into a machinery for expansion of state-control over the social sphere and even our sex-lives.The gay militants are seen on tv, people like Dan Savage, acting provocatively, pornographically, attacking straight "hate", religious bigotry, reactionary heteronormism and any kind of moral standard, presenting themselves as bullied victims.This in turn generates more anti-gay sentiment amongst the population, but this sentiment needs to be repressed or suppressed, because authorities back the gay agenda and pornography in general, which is conceived of as freedom (Larry Flynt).So the population doesn't like it, and anti-gay sentiment builds up inside, partly in the subconscious, and often erupting.This in turn sparks the gay militants into more victimology, outcries and a call for more lawmaking against hate. It's a closed feedback loop. What will happen when authority WITHDRAWS its backing of gays, as happened in Russia for instance? Then gays will find out how the straight population REALLY feels about them... *So the problem is, no intelligible, deeper body of insights about homosexuality is coming into existence;no understanding about why people are homosexual, what the implications are in the larger scheme of things, what inherent options and possibilities homosexuality offers to society. No specifically gay culture has emerged that appeals to people, no gay vision of society, no gay mode of interacting that offers an alternative to straight patterns.Truth is, much porn and many laws and government programs but no gay culture has emerged from gay activism.Gays can't even think of a gay way of relating to one another, as is shown by the assimilationist push for equality, and the concurrent closing down of an actual gayscene.Yes, the bar-life is being closed down everywhere; who needs gaybars when the dream is to be equal to straights?The ideal is to copy cat straight couples, marrying and adopting some challenged kids parked in some center, that no straight couple wanted.THIS is the model of male/male sex and love in society. There is no substance to it at all. Many gays argue vociferously for this 'equality', because they were brainwashed into believing they deserve it, that it is so unfair they should be treated like second-rate citizens.They fail to realize that this 'equality' involves the creation of a VERY REAL, actual, new gay social reality. A reality where gays can't meet on their own terms in gay places anymore, because such places WON'T EXIST. A reality where once again, every gay is isolated in a straight world of straight patterns.Very few gays are sufficiently aware and knowledgeable to understand that assimilation of minorities ALWAYS takes place on the terms of the dominant culture, and that assimilating minorities lose their identities in the process.They don't understand what it is they are really signing for, when militating for and supporting the 'equality' utopia,and what kind of new reality is emerging from it.This gay militancy comes with a COMPLETE trust in authority and a wish to confer it more and more power, which is simply bizarre considering the state the world is in at this point.Why feed the beast even more, why open the door to it even in our bedrooms?Why trust a system that doesn't trust us, and is so into surveillance, spying on us?What gays are really getting, is much homophobia and barely suppressed hatred, more and more legislation, a collapsing gayscene, and therefore a disappearance of an actual gay infrastructure...State-organized pride and freedom parades, much propaganda slogans and a ridiculous model that gays themselves really don't go for in practice.Wasn't a thriving bar-life more fun?Take the Netherlands, a great example of how equality is only theoretically appealing, sounds good, but comes with a contrived model very few gays are interested in in practicality.The Netherlands legalized gay marriage early compared to other nations, in 2001.It's interesting to see what happened there, because this country is historically one of the most liberal countries in the world, with a very high 'tolerance' of homosexuals.This means taking the step to get married would have been easier to take for gays there than in many other nations,where the gay marriage laws could seem less stable in time, or suscite more public opprobrium.Well in the Netherlands, on a population of 17M, about 700 male couples married per year since 2001, and the numbers are dropping.What does this show us?That a very low ratio of gay men is willing to marry. Even less gay men are dreaming of going through the horrific hassle of adopting a challenged kid from a state institution.Why?Because it is of course in the very nature of gays to explore, discover, cruise, have fun, excitement, get away from the depressing weight of conformity and routine.They always wanted party, adventure, excitement, romance, sex, love.THE LAST THING they want is be married with kids and live in a suburban house between straight couples, play mommie and daddy, and live like straights in all senses.Why?Because they've seen their own parents go through the motions and it seemed far from exciting.Then why do so many gays appear to be in favour of gay marriage? Why are they vocal about it?Well, because they've been taken in by the media programming, especially the younger generations, who have no actual gay lives left to live, and have learned that being gay is about speaking out for gay rights, and being proud, and fight against hate.They are in fact at this stage indoctrinated.They are told that evil haters want to keep them from having the same rights as everybody else, and that they must take a stand against homophobia, bigotry and hatred.They have learned that the gay cause is about fighting for equality, and since the two critical agenda points are marriage and adoption, that's what they scream about, because they got nothing else that's gay going on in their ungay lives.So interestingly, an overwhelming majority of gays thinks they should be allowed to marry and adopt, but WILL NOT ACTUALLY DO IT themselves. It's all a matter of feeling they're not being treated right.So the problem is, the gay energies are de facto being mobilized for a political agenda that clearly isn't anything gay men actually want to implement THEMSELVES.It's a dissociative, unreal propaganda model sold to you by paid activists owned by handlers.It suffices to look at the marriage statistics to know this is true; all gays REALLY want, is to have gay social options, meaning the ability to meet other gays, and to be able to make legal arrangments to leave their assets to a partner.99% of gay men isn't interested in more than that.They are in fact fighting the wrong battleSo we now have a kind of shrieking gay who lives in a world of propaganda lines and concepts, stripped of awareness, a mindless follower of authority. It's simple:If you do not know why you are gay, then you simply do not understand your own identity, do not know who you are; if you don't know who you are, you can't know what's good for you, what corresponds to you, and what kind of gay reality you need, or what kind of gay culture to fight for, if any.Without even knowing why you're gay, you become dependent on the narratives from the experts, the media, the politicians, who tell you what's good for you, and you have no way of knowing otherwise...So what we need to do, is assess some fundamentals of the issue, first of all, what makes people homosexual?The sloppy and endlessly repeated gay dogma of natural, inborn homosexuality is pretty crucial, because it closes the door to an actual understanding of homosexuality. The 'born this way' - theme de facto provokes a TRANSFER of the entire issue to authorities and medical experts and micro-biologists, who must elucidate it for gays, thereby taking control of the very fundamentals of the gay identity: describing its nature, its cause, the way society perceives it, and with that, formulating the entire gay equation for gays, who in turn become defined by the voices who are presumed to speak for them in the social sphere: DADDY AUTHORITY and his media-puppets.Daddy authority certainly is extremely interested in defending gays nowadays against evil bullies, religious haters, heteronormistic dudes and reactionary crackpots, isn't he?Even Obama is chanting the vapid 'It Gets Better'-mantra...Hasn't it occurred to you that this is rather remarkable? Does daddy authority really love gays?Or are gays useful in some way?Remember that the feedback loop of gay politics is as follows:gays whine about hate and homophobia in the public sphere, which in trun creates more hate and homophobia and nothing constructive, and authority expands its control over the social sphere through legislation to combat hate and create suitable mindframes, especially through educational programs for children, which boils down to sex 'education'.Isn't it remarkable that authority is so worried for the poor gays, and doesn't appear to be slightly worried about the astonishing proportions of porn, sex traffick, instititutional paedophilia, and the spread of decadence?Is this really about Sexual Bolshevism?

9 years ago

M Rich

Love this version. Never liked the original.

9 years ago


Terrific! AWESOME!!

9 years ago

A. K.L

I love ya guyz! :))))

9 years ago

Jessie Razit


9 years ago



9 years ago

Errky Zoltán

Amazing! :D I hope this is my country too...Gay marriage? Pf, never Hungary :(- hungarian gay young

9 years ago


Awesome and in sync

9 years ago

David Deante

great singing but why do they all resort to moving and acting like drag queens ? where is the pride in masculine acting men as well in the community? are there not masculine men Born this way too?

9 years ago

Ashley Fister

Please put this on iTunes!

9 years ago

Philip Hawkins

This is brilliant

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