Blues Jam Survival Guide - How To Play The 12/8 Slow Blues Like a Pro video free download

Duration: 06:28
Uploaded: 2010/05/19


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One thing I constantly tell students is; Get out and play with other people! The best place to do this is the "Jam Night". The problem is that most players are either not confident enough with their playing, or just too nervous to get up and jam, or, if they do some jamming, they feel like they just don't have enough chops to really shine once they get on stage. So when TrueFire asked me about doing a course on mastering the jam night I was "all in"! This is a subject that I am sold on. Not only did I use all of my knowledge on the subject, but I also researched and talked with many, many hosts of jams, as well as the folks who get up and do the jamming to really get to the essence of what is the most sure path to jamming excellence. We called this the Blues Jam Survival Guide, because I really think this is all the information you need to be a confident jammer and successfully survive any jam night. Some of the things that I teach in this course: I break down 7 essential grooves you NEED to know at any jam night: Texas shuffle, Slow 12/8 blues, Rhumba blues, Boogie Woogie, Slow shuffle, minor blues, Funk blues. Not only do you get the basics of these grooves but you will also learn 45 different chord variations, embellishments and substitutions to spice them up. There are also 75 licks and riffs including 25 go to licks that will be great for any blues situation. Licks are covered from 7 different scales: Minor pentatonic, Dorian, Mixolydian, Major Pentatonic, Blues scale, Half Whole diminished, and the Harmonic minor. There is also an in depth look at Guide Tones to keep your playing fresh, and Bubble Parts that work over almost anything, and are great to know if you are unsure of a tune! There is some real "insider" stuff like what it means to start on the 5 chord, different rhythmic feels and controlling your sound from a place you might not think of.

In addition to all of that, there are 8 different sections where we went to a blues club to a live jam and shot video of the band onstage! At the live jam I go over important concepts for each section and then you get to see the live band doing it the "wrong" way, and then the "right" way. This way YOU get to develop your ears and understand how it is supposed to sound. Then we sat down with these incredible players and seasoned jammers and got some great info on how to have a successful jam in 6 separate interview sections. There are over 115 "tips" on what you need to know to make your jam night experience the best it can be! Plus you get 43 jam tracks that you can use to hone your chops and practice all the stuff you are learning.

Special thanks go to these players who performed at the jam night and offered pearls of wisdom to help speed up your jam learning curve. Steve "Red" Lasner, Wendy Rich , Tommy McCoy, Jody

This is a course I feel will truly give you what you need to get up onstage and be the player that everyone likes to play with!


8 years ago

Missy Victoria

I knew more before than when I watched this video. haha <jk> Seriously, I DO need a Valium.

8 years ago

Missy Victoria

I'm an old-school lead-player... and slow-blues is my forte'... while not into all the hoo-plaa .. haha!

8 years ago

Frank Conley

Damn, I knew this lesson was too advanced for me. I had to go to the hospital emergency room to get my fretting fingers unknotted. :)

10 years ago

Ryan O'Toole

Didn't know the drummer for Tool played blues guitar

10 years ago


he i cant find your second part of this video where is it?  could you play some 12/8 as am trying to learn the rhythmic placements of playing guitar over 12/8, ta!

10 years ago

Mike Post

Thank you!

10 years ago

Corey Rightmyer

OK, but I was looking for a 12/8 syncopated song like Crossroads Blues.

11 years ago


ahhhhhhhhh cyberman!!!

11 years ago


You might find this link useful too: "What is a blues turnaround? Beginner blues guitar lesson" by guitarcontrol watch?v=OIeg7XIvDuE (You'll have to fill in the details, 'cos YT won't let you post links in comments)

11 years ago


Thanks, that was very helpful!

11 years ago


If you're playing a repetitive pattern of chords (say 4 verses of a 12-bar blues), a turnaround is a quick chord progression at the end of the pattern that takes you back to the beginning of the pattern. In this example, the turnaround is I-IV-I-V (e.g., E-A-E-B in the key of E), and you'd play that in bar 12, and head straight back into bar 1. HTH

11 years ago

Scott Ryan

I've watched a couple of your videos- you have an excellent teaching style: clean, informative, educational, and easy to follow. Thank you!

11 years ago


what is a turnaround?

11 years ago

Charles E. B

he said "if I take off my first finger and take off my fourth finger, voila, there are my two fingers that I need in place to do my slide. So it's all about efficiency, right?" etc.

11 years ago


hey what he sayd in 3.25 voila???

12 years ago

Fabio Mangia

You are an amazing teacher, thank you for your help

12 years ago


Thanks for the Barre chord challenge. I know it's old hat for many but some of us are still trying to master them!

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