Black Sabbath - N.I.B. (Hartford 1980) 3/13 video free download

Duration: 05:23
Uploaded: 2008/02/16

Of all the Ozzy songs that Dio sang, I feel that Dio did his best work on N.I.B. Another great rendition from the Hartford show.


10 years ago


dio sings ozzy's songs better than ozzy"Of all the Ozzy songs that Dio sang, I feel that Dio did his best work on N.I.B"means the closest ozzy came to good vocals is N.I.B.

12 years ago


with greatest respects to Dio, N.I.B of Ozzy rocks better.

12 years ago


@Johnnyz543 No, because the name you suggest is not, in any shape or form, the truth. Heaven and Hell was a Black Sabbath album. What band members you like or your musical preferences are irrelevant in the matter. I'm not into historical revisionism, but if you're into that, I recommend George Orwell's "1984" for you.

12 years ago

John Zaccaria

i am obseessed with dio like seriously but sabbath should've changed there name when dio came. the writeing and music changed completly with dio compared to ozzy. for instance the name of this vid should be "Heaven and Hell-N.I.B (Hartford 1980) Black Sabbath cover 3/13". But its cool. DIO RULES!!!!!!

13 years ago


@laiholapso Well put!

13 years ago


@impalado I agree, Ronie didn't fit with these songs at all. But regardless of who is singing, the fans would want to hear the songs they remember from before. And it's only fair Tony and Geezer should not have to give up the songs that made them famous. But it stands, each era of Sabbath had tunes written to fit perfectly with their specific singers (even if Ozzy's vocal tracks had to be tweaked a bit, he still always ended up SOUNDING good in the end, and that's really all that matters).

13 years ago


@ryandevison You must be incredibly biased. From a purely musical, non-personal standpoint there's nothing wrong with it. Lyrics have meaning, Tony still wrote good riffs. Music has no room for bias.

13 years ago


@drquesadilla I like Dio but there will never be another Ozzy, especiall in early sabbath... never.

13 years ago


@khaos4ng31 dont go with forbidden... thats to bad to be considered an album

13 years ago

Diamond Jam

check our band and our great N.I.B cover ;))

13 years ago

Bob Smith

I was there,thanks for the post.

13 years ago

Bob Smith

Ozzy better than Dio, Dio better than Ozzy? Ward better than Appice, Appice better than Ward? I think this and I think that. You people are fuckin crazy. Would it suprise you that many of them are best friends and wouldn't give you the time of day? Your mentality is exactly what metal is against. Jackasses

13 years ago

Bloo MunKy

great riff

13 years ago


Ozzy was okay. He started the band, and I liked the original Ozzy lineup in the very beginning because everything was all dark and heavily influenced on blues. Then after several lineups, Dio comes in, brings in a more devilish tone to Black Sabbath, hence the albums Devil you Know and Heaven and Hell. I like Glenn hughes and Ian Gillan though. Some songs are bad, some are good, all depends on the vocals. For example, I despise the Forbidden album.

13 years ago


@figaz555 Haters gonna hate... Seriously, go jack off to some Ozzy videos you goddamn pathetic troll. You're not much of a Sabbath fan if you pretend a majority their musical output doesn't exist.

13 years ago


@figaz555 Take note of my previous statements regarding this matter. You should know better than to bring this up as this is the one topic I have absolutely no patience for. You strike me as someone who is obviously just looking to pick a fight, because I'm assuming you're not stupid enough to think your one sentence is going to change my mind, but who knows. That said, I'm not remotely interested in your historical revisionism or narrow-mindedness. Take your soapbox somewhere else.

13 years ago

Scottie P

i favor ozzy way more i like dio as his band but not in sabbath his voice did not fit those songs or style in my opinoin he was good i think

13 years ago

Jefferson Lambert


13 years ago


"My opinion is my opinion". What a profound statement that is, Mr. Wordsmith. Like I said before, I've FORGOTTEN more about Sabbath than you'll ever KNOW. And I only deal in facts. Dio was in Black Sabbath. That's a fact. You saying 90% of people favor Ozzy? Hell, that might be true, I favor Ozzy, but I don't think Gallup has done a poll on that yet. Plus, that doesn't mean I ignore 20 years of history and just pretend it never happened. That's the difference.

13 years ago


@xPinkZeppelinx Well, your opinion isn't fact. Get the fuck over it junior. And when it comes to Sabbath, trust me, I've forgotten more about them than you'll ever know.

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