Bangles - Angles Don't Fall In Love (1986) PIttsburgh, PA video free download

Duration: 03:04
Uploaded: 2009/05/20

The Bangles

Syria Mosque Arena

Pittsburgh, PA

December 13th, 1986


9 years ago


Correction...*acute" angles don't fall in love

9 years ago


Susanna's leg move at the end makes it absolutely worth watching, of course it's a nice song and all, but that move is a nice ending touch.Bangles forever.

11 years ago


like all time championship sub 3 min power pop with harmonies that even the Beatles couldnt touch..just killer track and why did I never hear it before today. Great everything on every single solitary level.... And with the slidework its like Big Star meets Aerosmith. This is an utterly completely flawless gem..

11 years ago

Jeff Kehoe

I think it is funny to see people claiming to be some kind of "expert" rip on Sue because she plays rythm guitar for most of her performances. Maybe she is not exceptional in skil, but she is quite prolific in quantity of releases. I also find it funny that people who know little about the band rip on Sue for causing the break-up. Of course she enjoyed the celebrity, but she is still quite embarrassed by sex symbol status. Debbie and Sue were instrumental in the process of reuniting The Bangles.

12 years ago


@cabbagepatch777 They were know of course but faintly in comparison to the other mentioned artists. I too am a fan and for me it was, anything I could get my hands on, Bangle paraphernalia was a treasure for me. Have many things this very day including their albums from the years released, an autographed "When You're a Boy" album (by Sue of course) and even countless mementos from when they had their fan club "Bangles and Mash" based in Torrance CA. (I happened to live in the same neighborhood)

12 years ago


@ugowar "only ever does chord strumming". <- lmao, you obviously don't know anything about her career. I rest my case, Keep on watching videos cyber-warrior.

12 years ago


@DanielJoseDiego I know a competent guitar player when I hear one. Hoffs is not one. Someone who frequently has to use a capo and only ever does chord strumming does not qualify as an exceptional guitarist. No amount of you-actually-having-lived-back-then or whatnot is going to change that. Then again, I don't know which universe you live in. All I know is your ad hominems make you look like a schoolboy. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back to spending hours on watching online videos.

12 years ago


@DanielJoseDiego I was a kid in the 80s and a fan of the Bangles...they were quite popular when Everything came out. I remember watching the In Your Room and Eternal Flame videos on MTV, and they were on the radio quite a bit, too. I was too young to go to any concerts, but I had their albums, watched them on tv, listened to them on the radio and read about them in magazines if I came across an article. It was a fun time.

12 years ago


@AlienAbandoned Dude, back then it wasn't all about Sue how you wanna make it look it was more about Cyndi Lauper, Janet Jackson, Pebbles, Tiffany and Madonna etc. than anything, Bangles weren't mainstream at all. You guys are just generating an opinion on how you believe the 80's were and that is FAR from what really was. Sue was NOT being imposed on anyone! They had little if any MTV time as opposed to the other female pop artists of the time.

12 years ago


@ugowar Listen to more guitarists? bwahaha. You have no idea. You guys didn't live through these times, you never went to a concert in their prime, What do you know???? Oh yeah, you spend countless hours watching videos online. ¬¬

12 years ago


@AlienAbandoned This was slightly before "my time" as well, but I find Susan's sexyness somehow forced. Someone described it as "raging bimboitis". That kind of sex appeal I guess is attractive to most men, but it doesn't do much for me. Maybe if I was a horny teenager in the 80s... Now, Michael... There's a sexiness that doesn't feel forced.

12 years ago


@DanielJoseDiego "exceptional" guitar skills? Dude, she can strum chords and play rhythm, but an exceptional guitar player she ain't. You can have the hots for her all you like, she does have a nice voice, but don't exaggerate. I find her one of the weaker instrumentalists in the band. I'm not competent enough to judge Debbi's drum playing, but Vicki's guitar work and Michael's bass groove blow Susan out of the water. You really need to listen to more guitarists if you think otherwise.

12 years ago

Marysia Kosowski

@DanielJoseDiego Finally I'm in my 20's so I wasn't ALIVE when the Hoffs worship was going on. It could just be a generational thing; I concede she could have had special meaning for people who lived two decades ago and they like her still because she reminds them of their youth. As someone who missed out on this, and moreover as a straight female, I fail to see what all the fuss was about and I still dislike the "look at me, I'm sexy" vibe, regardless of whether or not it was Sue's fault.

12 years ago

Marysia Kosowski

@DanielJoseDiego I have found the easiest way for men to put women down is to instantly insult their looks, status in life, brains, etc. Very nice and not shallow of you there. Go ahead, keep thinking she's the hottest thing going. I have and I stress this again, heard much better voices than hers. She is pleasant to listen to in the Bangles lineup and my fave of the 4, but her voice is not all that great. Men blow her talents and her looks way out of proportion.

12 years ago

Marysia Kosowski

@DanielJoseDiego I can't believe how rude you can be, you know that? The only one who sounds shallow now is yourself, dude. You have no right making personal judgments on me or anyone else whose comments you disagree with. For your information I am not a housewife, I am young, happy and free, and I'm a confident attractive woman who doesn't need your opinion of me to make myself feel better. Some men prefer Carlisle, I wouldn't know. I don't think Gaga is better; don't like her much.

12 years ago


@AlienAbandoned So what's you point? That men shouldn't like her for that? Pretty shallow there, you sound just like some jealous housewife who's husband has the hots for Sue rather than her. Her singing and guitar skills are exceptional and the fact she can make a man shiver with just one look (even more so than Belinda Carlisle or most other female talents) is testimony enough of her greatness. Now all you need to say is Lady Gaga is way better and I'll shoot myself. =\

12 years ago

Marysia Kosowski

@jtkriskey Oh really? I didn't know that. Thanks for enlightening me. :) That puts things all in perspective. Vicki was often quoted as saying that Sue wanted badly to be a star, so it's interesting to hear the record label was responsible for making her feel she had to amp it up. I knew about them pressuring her to go solo though. I'm sad about Michael too. I don't know why she felt it wasn't working for her, maybe it's because she's had a pretty rough life. I'm excited about their new album.

12 years ago

Jeff Kehoe

@AlienAbandoned The funny thing is that to hear the gurlz tell the story, it was totally the record label that sold the sex and convinced Sue she needed to go solo. She felt physically sick about all of it. Seeing them now, they are having the fun they had BEFORE "All Over the Place" was released and started them up the charts. I still wish Michael was touring with them, but she needed to do her own thing I guess. They all still look great too!

12 years ago

Marysia Kosowski

@jtkriskey Haha at least unlike others who get mad at me you can be diplomatic about it. :) I am a Bangles fan and I may have given out the impression that I hate Sue. Didn't mean to sound like that at all, she's actually my favorite voice in the Bangles because it's more girlish than the others (I relate better to female voices as a general rule), and features stronger vibrato. I just sort of wish it was less about the sex appeal that clearly broke the Bangles up. Theirs is a regrettable story.

12 years ago

Marysia Kosowski

@DanielJoseDiego comment about her charisma stands. To me, she has little to no stage presence when singing. Belinda Carlisle of the Go Go's had way more, she was smiling and dancing around and shimmying up there. Sue admitted she used to get stage fright. It's a clear contrast to the way she acts in her videos. She's great at acting and singing but she can't seem to translate that "charisma" to the live stage, just the recorded videos.

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