Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart) - King's College, Cambridge video free download

Duration: 02:31
Uploaded: 2010/04/05

Listen to King's College Choir, free, on their website:


The choir of King's College, Cambridge sing Mozart's wonderful Ave Verum Corpus.

Ave, verum corpus

natum de Maria Virgine,

Vere passum immolatum

in Cruce pro homine,

Cujus latus perforatum

unda fluxit (et) sanguine,

Esto nobis praegustatum

in mortis examine

Hail,true body

born of the Virgin Mary,

Who truly suffered, sacrificed

on the Cross for man,

Whose pierced side overflowed

with water and blood,

Be for us a foretaste

In the test of death.


8 years ago

giuditta labate

Questo canto è meraviglioso io ho avuto la fortuna di cantarlo in un coro polifonico ed è stata una immensa emozione....

8 years ago

Jimmy Martello

Ave Verum Corpus

8 years ago

Alessandra Petrucciani


8 years ago

Natan Thojib

To fast I think 

8 years ago

James Glover

Brings back memories, when I was young like the kids in the front row sing this

9 years ago


十幾年前陪朋友到店裡租DVD,順手翻到一部電影叫【送信到哥本哈根】(英文:I am David),與其封面對視的短短十秒鐘,竟讓我莫名感動滴下眼淚。 電影結束前,小男主角走進教堂聆聽聖樂。一曲天籟,完整概括救贖的刻度與。霍金博士勵志發現一個可以解釋萬物的定律。這部電影的中文翻譯在遊戲未開始前便將底牌翻開,白費了一場絕倫精采的賭局,遊戲者擲下骰子,卻將骰子弄丟了。 而當男女主角到了時候,教堂裡交織著同樣一首神曲,再度表達救贖的意涵。我們擠破頭的去思考自我、奉獻;擁有、予奪;贖罪、原諒;替死、受封。沃爾夫岡·阿瑪迪斯·莫扎特則轉注了聲音與時間的元素震開其鑿痕。五線譜上的綠豆芽,假借女音男聲的振動,找到了玩笑中上帝遺失的骰子;馬鈴薯、豆子亦拾得乾乾淨淨 - 【Ave Verum Corpus】(聖體頌)

9 years ago


maybe God gave Mozart this masterpiece…

9 years ago

Annuvyn Arawn

To hear a choir in such a perfect place is heavenly. This is one of the true hearts of Christianity and nobody could fail to be moved from this. Mozart touches the soul. My family is half Christian and half Islam. Our Islam relations attend to our Christian funerals and this song is always sung by a small choir. Nobody in the family would not want this song as it has become a tradition. My family is deeply faithful and we all know our prayers are heard by the same true God. My family is a perfect example of how faith can bring all people together. All it takes is a little bit of thought and a little bit of understanding.

9 years ago


I'm singing this for chorus and I just love this song 

9 years ago

The Борода

War Thunder)

9 years ago


to fast... i.m.o.

9 years ago


I first heard this on BBC America's 'Intruders'...beautiful.

9 years ago


This is amazing :')) PRAISE THE LORD

9 years ago

peter saint

Ohh.. god

9 years ago


この曲は コーラスで一番好きな曲でした⁉私は 手術をしてからは 声かあまりでなくなり もう 歌うことができないのが 残念です でも天使の歌声❗が聞けて幸せ

9 years ago

Stacy PerezG


9 years ago

Marissa Bell

And we hit those high notes perfectly. Ugh I just love singing this 

9 years ago

Marissa Bell

We're singing this song in chorus and we sound so much alike☺️

9 years ago

Shawn Lewis

It's funny, I actually first heard this song in War Thunder and I've loved it ever since.

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