Andrew Jackson Jihad - American Tune video free download

Duration: 02:27
Uploaded: 2011/09/01

Track three from Andrew Jackson Jihad's new album, "Knife Man"


8 years ago

Zach B

Funny how all these super sensitive SJWs saying you shouldn't stereotype or oppress minority groups while they basically stereotype and shit on white people just because they were born white...

8 years ago

Echo Argo

It's funny seeing how offended people get by this song. We were born into this already preexisting system of white privilege, it's not your fault that it exists, but the least we can do is fight against it and other systems of oppression.

8 years ago


Privilege doesn't exist. I'm not even white and I still had opportunities presented to me that would have been presented to whites. All you whiny shitters crying about how white male privilege exists are fucking laughably stupid. The opportunities are there, you're probably to engrossed in your liberal arts to actually take it, then cry about the gender wage gap :^)

8 years ago

James Stern

Haha so many offended anti-SJWs. The same people that would call someone a pussy for getting offended by the word "faggot" or something.

9 years ago

Saturn Moriya

Privileged people agressively stating privilege doesn't exist only proves the existence of said privilege. The facts are IN THE FUCKING SONG.

9 years ago

TomScreamo Punkcore

Im proud im white and not a negro or a gook

9 years ago

Ovadia Yosef

Being white is amazing, it's almost enough to make you feel sorry for niggers.Almost

9 years ago


Honestly alot of the stuff in this song is bullshit.But it's hard to tell if it is satirical, or actual SJW bullshit.

9 years ago

emo LeBron

i recommend it highly

9 years ago

George Justice

i like it haven't even paid attention to the lyrics enough to make sense of them, just sort of passes you by, and before you know it a classic Britney hit of the 90s has popped on the wireless

9 years ago


"fuck" white people

9 years ago


I think there is more depth to this song that just "white people suck" as many people are interpretting it. Listen to lyrics, It's talking about a self-flagellating white guy, he is seriously going out of his way to do unlucky things to make up for his "luck" of being born white, and yet we learn he's actually not that lucky, he was raised by a single mother and has a dead-beat dad. Yet none of this supposedly matters to him because he's white, and therefore a shitty person who doesn't deserve anything he has.

9 years ago

Claire Page

have any of the commenters ever heard of satire before?? like real satire that doesn't target minorities? or did your ego just get bruised by this song? pity pity, shed a tear for me

9 years ago


im so privileged that i have songs written about how fucking awful i am for being white, nice

9 years ago

Henry Bean

Tread lightly step dads. You may just raise yourself a serial killer that comes after you!

9 years ago


I am somewhat white-looking (not actually white), but people usually think I am, and I can tell you that people will react to you differently if you look a certain way, depending on where you are…you can't deny it, you can't sugarcoat how things are, and telling underprivileged minorities that the situation they are in is their fault (and not part of a bigger ladder of historical subjugation and cultural misunderstanding), which I hear all the time in Texas, makes things worse, anyone with half a brain can point that out. All of this arguing about who's fault it is that things are they way they are is futile at this point, we just need to start seeing each other as fellow people, co-inhabitants of this global civilization. Also, if you are somehow getting the message from this that you should be sorry to be white, you need your head examined…solidarity for racial/socioeconomic minorities, LGBTQA, and others does not somehow translate as hetero-hating, guy-bashing, reverse-racism…if you think it does, you are part of the problem...

9 years ago

David Cohen

If blacks weren't statistically more likely to commit crimes maybe people wouldn't be so fucking jittery about themalso the music is terrible and a degree =/= being a competent worker deserving of a high salary

9 years ago


SJW: the song

9 years ago


I can't tell if this song is ironic or not.

9 years ago

Lacey Wans

Such an appropriate tune to be listening to in the few days after Darren Wilson not being indicted for the murder of Michael Brown. 

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