Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us (Live on KEXP) скачать видео бесплатно

Длительность: 04:34
Загружено: 2011/11/21

http://KEXP.ORG present Macklemore & Ryan Lewis performing "Can't Hold Us" live in the KEXP studio. Recorded 7/20/2011. Full performance here:

Host: Kevn Cole

Sound: Kevin Suggs

Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Brad Strain & Justin Wilmore

Edits: Brad Strain


8 years назад

Yovanny Ponce

This is the best M&RL live performance I've seen by far.

8 years назад

Naufal Musyaffa


8 years назад

Timothy Lim

is that martins the soccer player from mL????????

8 years назад

Joey Landin

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8 years назад


got to love the energy in this video >.<ohmyglob <3

8 years назад

Kenny Smith


8 years назад


this song is awesome I can rap when macklemore rap's

8 years назад

Bjarne Algra

Ray Dalton is very, very good

8 years назад

Olivier Valentijn de Ruyter

What is that dude in the red shirt (a.k.a. ''the DJ'') doing? Seems as though he can be missed...Really awkward to see him struggle.Just stop pretending trying to make it seem you're actually mixxing the track live. If you make the decision to not do everything live than just stand by that. Plaatsvervangende schaamte..

8 years назад

Jose Becerra

no homo

8 years назад


Omfg I puked in my mouth... I'm not even black, but this guy ain't Eminem either. About as much flow as a broken washing machine.

8 years назад

Glenn Merlo

I Love this song❤

8 years назад

Francesco Vigna

le scoreggie suonano meglio delle tue canzoni

8 years назад

Lenin Alexander

I like a lot THAT macklemore enjoy a lot raping

8 years назад

alighieri rojas vega

mackemore is god of rap !!! let's go

8 years назад

Øyvind H

The energy in the room during this song is simply amazing!

8 years назад

Millie Nickson

why can't I stop listening to this song it's such a good song.

8 years назад

Hồng Ngô

nice song

8 years назад

Olaf Boruc

greAT work +__+

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