Fall Out Boy - Irresistible ft. Demi Lovato скачать видео бесплатно

Длительность: 03:31
Загружено: 2016/01/05

What if in the NSYNC video for “It’s Gonna Be Me” there was an analog to the story? Where in the same store there was a dollar bin full of toys that no one really wanted that would band together like the misfit, offbrand little outsiders they were. “Irresistible" is the video for that story, it's about the toys no one ever wanted come to life. It was directed by Wayne Isham, the director who did the original NSYNC video and features Demi Lovato and special cameos by Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick. Watch the video for “It’s Gonna Be Me” https://youtu.be/GQMlWwIXg3M

“Irresistible ft. Demi Lovato” out now - get it on

- iTunes http://smarturl.it/IrresistibleFOB

- Amazon http://smarturl.it/IrresistibleFOBam

- Google Play http://smarturl.it/IrresistibleFOBgp

- Spotify http://smarturl.it/IrresistibleFOBsp

- Apple Music http://smarturl.it/IrresistibleFOBa

WINTOUR IS COMING w/ AWOLNATION & PVRIS - dates + tickets: http://falloutboy.com/tour

"American Beauty/American Psycho" out now on DCD2/Island Records http://smarturl.it/FOBABAP









8 years назад

Pink Feather


8 years назад

heyooo heyy

her giysisinde bir göğüs detayı bıktım

8 years назад

Ernie Soto

she should just do rock now lol

8 years назад

Thaíse Silva

Demi. <3

8 years назад


cant believe they gave patrick eyebrows

8 years назад

Andrea Ladino

the pony dolls in the back... XD

8 years назад

Mr. Mega Meep

... Was that Joey Fatone?

8 years назад

Emma1261 Santander

she always using that style of dress.

8 years назад


Why higher res only 480???

8 years назад


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8 years назад


It's so different hearing Demi when it should be Patrick lol.

8 years назад


The mixing was horrible omg. I love the song so damn much, but the person who added Demi's part in and harmonized it, wasn't the best person/people for the job.

8 years назад

Mikayla Landrith

am I the only one staring at her boobs in the pir as te outfit thing

8 years назад

Cayden Hall

Awesome.I love it so much it so cool.

8 years назад

Cayden Hall

Awesome.I love it so much it so cool.

8 years назад

Cayden Hall

awesomeI love it so much it so cool.

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