Каталог клипов: Mario Pelchat Michel Legrand всего видео: 4

Les parapluies de Cherbourg (live) - Mario Pelchat | Michel Legrand
Mario Pelchat | Michel Legrand

Les parapluies de Cherbourg (live)
Windmills Of You Mind (live) - Mario Pelchat | Michel Legrand
Mario Pelchat | Michel Legrand

Windmills Of You Mind (live)
How Do You Keep the Music Playing (live) - Mario Pelchat | MIchel Legrand
Mario Pelchat | MIchel Legrand

How Do You Keep the Music Playing (live)
Mario Pelchat | Michel Legrand - The experience of a lifetime!
The experience of a lifetime!

Mario Pelchat | Michel Legrand