Roger Waters - In memory of S. Ten. Eric Fletcher Waters - Aprilia 18/2/2014 descargar videos gratis

Duración: 04:11
Subido: 2014/02/24

Aveva solo cinque mesi Roger Waters quando perse il padre. Eric Fletcher Waters scomparve in una delle battaglie più cruente della seconda guerra mondiale dopo lo sbarco di Anzio e Nettuno, nello scontro del Fosso della Moletta, nei pressi di Aprilia. Era il 18 febbraio del 1944 ed il suo corpo non fu mai ritrovato.

Oggi, esattamente 70 anni fa, il fondatore e leader dei Pink Floyd per la prima volta visita il luogo esatto dove il padre ha combattuto.

Solo pochi mesi fa infatti il reduce inglese Harry Shindler, oggi 92enne, che combattè quelle battaglie per la liberazione di Roma, è riuscito a ritrovare dei documenti inediti conservati a Londra. Dagli appunti di un comandante inglese è stato così possibile, grazie alle coordinate segnate sul diario di guerra, risalire al punto esatto dove era accampato l'ottavo battaglione dei Fucilieri Reali.


8 years ago

nick tarantol


9 years ago

adriano gosetto

Good day my dear Roger and all floydies

9 years ago

مهيار باشا

Good day my dear Roger and all floydies

9 years ago

مهيار باشا

Good day my dear Roger and all floydies

9 years ago

مهيار باشا

Good day my dear Roger and all floydies

9 years ago


I'm so glad that Roger was finally able to get some closure on the death of his father. Many artists find their muse in drugs and alcohol, but Roger found his through his father. Without that bitterness that he carried throughout his life surrounding the circumstances of his fathers military service and untimely death, we wouldn't have the wonderful catalog of music from him. I'm sure his father is smiling down proudly on his son.

9 years ago


io vado a scuola li , Carlo & Nello Rosselli 

9 years ago

Ireneusz Piotr Kozanecki

If there were no maladies in the history of evolution we would never have the piper at the gate of dawn through echoes dark side wish you were here animals the wall final cut and so on in order to tell the difference between salt and sugar good and bad sumo and wrestle mania at the end of day everything counts what in your pocket and on the table as i always say after richard david nick and roger this music especially take you places where you never being before and i always will say thank you for pink floyd and i hope to get more

9 years ago

Lorenzo Astolfi

Roger Waters - In memory of S. Ten. Eric Fletcher Waters - Aprilia 18/2/2014

9 years ago

giuseppe carone

per non dimenticare !!! MAI !!!

9 years ago


Hopefully Roger found some closure, and a little peace, from finally knowing exactly where his father fell.

9 years ago

monica siempre

He was only five months Roger Waters when he lost his father. Eric Fletcher Waters disappeared in one of the bloodiest battles of World War II after the landing at Anzio and Nettuno, in the clash of the Fosso della Moletta, near Aprilia. It was February 18, 1944 and his body was never found.

9 years ago


Another Roger Waters' show.

9 years ago


Grazie Roger , e grazie a tutta la tua incredibile generazione di musicisti che ha provato a cambiare il mondo..

9 years ago

Takis Kasimatis

Roger Waters - In memory of S. Ten. Eric Fletcher Waters - Aprilia 18/2/.2014

9 years ago


To the children grown-up without a father...thanks Roger

9 years ago

مهيار باشا

My hero roger i love you so much

9 years ago

مهيار باشا

My hero roger i love you so much

9 years ago

William Sanders

All too often, the wretches who start these kind of wars don't get their just deserts. Even if they get any form of mortal justice, by then thousands, or more, will have payed the price...and their loved ones will still keep paying.For the record, I'm a vet, and the son of a vet. The soldier is willing to lay down his life to defend the ideals he or she believes in. Eric Fletcher Waters was one of those people. There is a certain radio show on NPR that I absolutely boycott because they took the cheap shot of calling Roger Waters putting the names and pictures of KIAs on "The Wall" during his tour a cheap shot. Those people deserved to be remembered, and Roger actually ASKED the loved ones of these soldiers in order to honor their sacrifice. I hope he will find some closure...I'm certain if the elder Waters were alive, he'd be proud of his son.

9 years ago

Ernesto Manuel Aragão Abreu

Ainda bem que descobriram o sitio onde o pai do George foi morto, e assim uma devida homenagem do seu prodígio filho, Roger és o Maior.

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