Dinah Shore - Buttons And Bows 1948 descargar videos gratis

Duración: 02:06
Subido: 2012/10/25

Dinah Shore - Buttons And Bows 1948


8 years ago


黑膠年代(西洋經典老歌)Good morning, Taiwan. 6/6/2015May you have a wonderful holiday weekend.早安台灣,鄉親您好!歡愉的週未假期,在家休憩之餘一起輕鬆分享《Hooray ! Hooray ! It’s A Holi-Holiday 放假! 萬歲》,是首大家從小到大耳熟能詳的廣告歌曲,希望在漫妙韻律節奏中帶給大家元氣滿載活力的一天,也祝大家有個愉快美好的假期。【黑膠音樂社團好歌推薦】40's告示牌榜冠軍單曲《Buttons and Bows》這首大家耳熟能詳的"蘋果西打"廣告歌曲,原曲是1948年美國賣座西部喜劇電影『The Paleface 脂粉雙鎗俠』主題曲,電影原聲是由男主角【Bob Hope 鮑勃霍普】在劇中演唱,歌曲並在隔年(1949)榮獲奧斯卡"最佳原創歌曲獎"的殊榮。同年(1948)數位知名歌手紛紛以流行樂重釋發行,其中在排行榜中成績最為耀眼顯赫的,是由美國身兼歌手、演員、著名電視節目主持人【Dinah Shore 黛娜蕭】演唱發行女音版,當時打進"Billboard"單曲榜,不但摘下冠軍排行,更位居榜首長達九週之久。2004年並被入選美國"AFI"百年百大最佳電影歌曲名列第87。Billboard 'Hot 100 #1 Songs - 1948, Nov. 6 - 1949 Jan. 1美國告示牌百大熱門單曲榜 - 進榜連續蟬聯九週冠軍排行✾▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ♬《Country Songs》♬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬✾::☜☊☞ VINYL RECORD MUSIC COMMUNITY ☜☊☞::............................黑膠年代音樂社團【西洋經典老歌】.....................黑膠年代音樂社團【世界各國經典名曲】..............黑膠年代音樂社團【民歌台國語經典流行樂】

8 years ago

Mervyn Carapiet

Sweet recall of an enjoyable song sung by a beautiful star and singer.Bless you forever, Dinah.Mervyn

8 years ago

Peter Lambert

"and French perfume that rocks the room"_ a great lyric!.

9 years ago


"East is east and West is west" no shit.

9 years ago

Tammie Puopolo

I feel like I heard of this song before

9 years ago



9 years ago


Mafia 2 ☺

9 years ago

Jeremiah Peppercorn

da-da-dahhs, and boppa dohs, things and buttons, buttons and bows! Don't bury me, uh - lovely pea, something, la-la-laaaaa! Let's all go to a... taco show, and a how I love, such and thrush, blow my nose, You look great in buttons and bows! I love you in buckskin, la da-da da-da daaaa! Everybody! My bones denounce, the fearful trounce, and la-la la-la Moldic rose! Ba-da Seuss, a palm caboose, and a panda hop, and pantyhose, you look buppity, buttons and bowwwws!

9 years ago

Teddy Jang

這首輕快的西洋老歌發行於黑白片時代 比包含我在內的大多數網友年紀都大 歌名叫鈕扣與蝴蝶結 歌詞請參閱原始分享者的留言板 很多台灣網友應不陌生 曾被用來當某汽水飲料的廣告歌曲 還常被用來當踢踏舞的音樂呢

9 years ago


Very good song. No one has the skills to make music like this anymore!

9 years ago

Ted Pan

5 golden star song, will never fade away, I love dinah shore,also lot of other songs like 10 thousand miles, Eternally, all beautiful.

9 years ago

Helen Mccoy

Here's a classic for you! 

9 years ago

Keith Shirley

This was the #1 song in 1948. WOW how music has changed

9 years ago

lanta yh

What a disgusting song about sexism, capitalism, consumerism, and ethnocentrism. What kind of idiot would listen to this?

9 years ago

Keiley Mynk

When I was forced to go to school at the ripe old age of how ever old your supposed to be when you are in the 5th grade, Margerrotte(?)B.Henderson made all of us sing yhis song in some kind of production play for all the old foggie"s amusement, meanwhile, I had allready written this,(in I mean, when I should have been in the 3rd grade, Well, Im a sweet cat chick, and I come from the city,my name is Clitty, I've got 3 pr's of titties,little miss Mouse, and a frenchy named P-air, went cruisen close to the coast, and smelt a joint in the air,well this distant snuff, was NOT enough,so we roamed a little closer, to get a bigger huff,I met this dane and he was great, he said he played in a band, and asked me out on a date, he gave me some acid, and I wanted to %$#@, he said he was placid,just my luck, a knife in the back, I just can't hack, 8 lives I lack.

9 years ago

Orazio Cannavo

…iiiiihhhh uuuhhhh ))) !!!!!!

9 years ago


Frasier... hahaha...

10 years ago

Fan Leanne Crow

American Horror Story :)))))

10 years ago

conrad li

one of the best country & western songs ever!

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