Belle - Garou, Daniel Lavoie, Patrick Fiori (English) descargar videos gratis

Duración: 04:38
Subido: 2009/12/29

Belle, is the only word I know that suits her well.

When she dances oh the stories she can tell.

A free bird trying out her wings to fly away.

And when I see her move I see hell to pay.

She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.

And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.

Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.

I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.

Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.

And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.

Belle, there's a demon inside her who came from hell.

And he turned my eyes from god and oh, I fell.

She put this heat inside me I'm ashamed to tell.

Without my god inside I'm just a burning shell.

The sin of eve she has in her I know so well.

For want of her I know I'd give my soul to sell.

Belle, this gypsy girl is there a soul beneath her skin.

And does she bear the cross of all our human sin.

Oh Notre dame please let me go beyond gods law.

Open the door of love inside, Esmeralda.

Belle, Even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell.

She may be more pure, more pure than words can tell.

But when she dances feelings come no man can quell.

Beneath her rainbow coloured dress there burns the well.

My promised one, please let me one time be untrue.

Before in front of god and man I marry you.

Who would be the man who'd turn from her to save his soul.

To be with her I'd let the devil take me whole.

Oh Fleur-de-lys I am a man who knows no law.

I go to open up the rose, Esmeralda

She dances naked in my soul and sleep won't come.

And it's no use to pray these prayers to Notre dame.

Tell, who'd be the first to raise his hand and throw a stone.

I'd hang him high and laugh to see him die alone.

Oh Lucifer please let me go beyond god's law.

And run my fingers through her hair, Esmeralda.



8 years ago


this voice is not patrick fiori's

9 years ago

Sasha Pantelic

Лепотица( Квазимодо )ЛепотицаРекло би се да је та реч измишљена за њуКада плеше и открива своје телоКао птица која шири крила да полетиТада осећам да ми се пакао отвара под ногама.Погледао сам под њену циганску хаљину,Зашто да се још молим Богородици?Ко је тај који би на њу бацио први камен?Тај не заслужује да буде на Земљи.О Луциферу!O допусти ми да само једномПрођем прстима кроз Есмералдину косу.( Фроло )ЛепотицаДа ли се то ђаво отелотворио у њојДа би скренуо мој поглед са вечног БогаДа ли је ставио у моје биће ову телесну жељуДа ме спречи да гледам ка небу?Она носи у себи прародитељски грехДа ли ме то што је желим чини злочинцем?Она,За коју би се рекло да је лака жена, ништарија,Делује изненада као да носи крст човечанстваО Богородице,О пусти ме да само једномОдшкринем врата Есмералдине баште.( Фебус )Лепотица,Упркос својим крупним очаравајућим црним очима,Да ли је госпођица још увек девица?Када ме њени покрети опчине,Под њеном сукњом дугиних боја.Драга моја, допустите ми да Вам будем неверанПре него што Вас одведем пред олтар.Који човек би скренуо поглед са њеПод претњом да ће бити претворен у кип од соли.О Флер-де-Лис*Ја нисам човек од вереОтићи ћу да уберем цвет Есмералдине љубави.( Квазимодо, Фроло, Фебус )Погледао сам под њену циганску хаљину,Зашто да се још молим Богородици?Ко је тај који би на њу бацио први камен?Тај не заслужује да буде на Земљи,О Луциферу допусти ми да само једномПрођем прстима кроз Есмералдину косу.

10 years ago

James Kelevra

They can sing it great in any language.... But French lyrics are better, I think.

10 years ago


where can I buy this version?

10 years ago

Erik Carriere

I think that's more due to the fact that this is a track recording, rather than a live performance. They don't put as much passion into the track recordings of the French version, such as whenever Daniel sings 'Tu Vas me Detruire' outside of the play itself. Much softer and less passionate, but still good! It's probably a lot of work to sing it like they do in the play.

10 years ago


Thank you for putting up the lyrics for that beautiful song !!! It just REAPS the SOUL OUT....

10 years ago

Madlajn Frollo

In the English version of "Belle" Patrick Fiori is replaced by Steve Balsamo ;>

10 years ago

Yousra Benkhettab

Awsome :p !!

11 years ago

Isik Basarir

great poetry

11 years ago

Lama AW

Luc Plumondon and Riccardo Cocciente for the french musical Notre Dame de Paris, it was translated to many many languages!

11 years ago

Brianna Audinett

Who created this song?!?

11 years ago


amazing song, the same, can't stop listening, lyrics is awesome, so deep and passionate. This is what life is about - love!

11 years ago


This is not with Patrick Fiori!

11 years ago


Sans importance, en francais ou en anglais - Daniel est toujours magnifique!

11 years ago

Caitlin Y

of all the songs in the english version the translation for belle is one of the best, but even though he was never one of my favourites and i really like whoever's singing the phoebus part here, it's not the same without patrick fiori

11 years ago

Ana Zafra

i dont like the thrid part. Bring Patrick -.-

11 years ago


That's not Patrick Fiori. That's Steve Balsamo.

11 years ago

Wei Xiong

OOOOO!!! Finally I have found this fabulous english version!!

12 years ago


what is that first picture called?

12 years ago


Awesome.... ps: French is much better.. :)

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