Ovidi Montllor - La fera ferotge video free download

Duration: 01:52
Uploaded: 2007/02/16

Ovidi Montllor canta La fera ferotge


8 years ago

Jordi Ortiz

"Vull parlar amb l'Alcaldei dir-li que tinc fam,que la gàbia és petita,jo necessite espai" 

8 years ago

Miren Madariaga

Handia Ovidi¡¡¡

9 years ago

Luis Falcó Minguell

Te en vas anar aviat, massa aviat. Tu i el Toti, fantàstica parella.

9 years ago


Però Ovidi no era d'Alcoi? XD

9 years ago

Francesc Ribera

Sentir els mitjans parlar de terrorisme anarquista i pensar enLa fera ferotge (Ovidi Montllor):

9 years ago

Albert Ortega Margarit

Grandíssim Ovidi; mai t'oblidarem. Els anys passen, però el teu record segueix inesborrable.

9 years ago

El Vell Blues

Ovidi Montllor - La fera ferotge: #EstemConvocats9N #Desobeim9N #9NVotarem #9NGuanyarem

9 years ago

Josep barrera

La fera ferotge s´escaparà!

9 years ago

David Vilasís Boix

la fera ferotge genial

10 years ago

jordi chaler

Ovidi Montllor - La fera ferotge

10 years ago

Carlos Carrasco

Molt gran!

10 years ago


Molt gran!

11 years ago


Aún te quiero, Helena Montllor !!!!

12 years ago


The policemen that see her want to attack her the neast defends herself they don't let her speak As they are many and she is alone she can't win and they beat her And angry from the work they return her to the cage By order of the Mayor it is anounced to everybody that the ferocious beast will no more disturb our sleep And thanks to the forces Nothing new happened everything is normal and nice and the people rest in peace Au

12 years ago


Whoever doesn't comply shouldn't complain later if because of the beast he is tormented Me, that I don't have neither a house nor a car, not even a little cart met that day the beast in the street Trembling and half-dead -Oh god, damn, the beast! And seeing me so "fucked" she told me very simply -Young man why are you trembling? I won't eat you -Then why do you escape from the place marked for you -I want to speak to the Mayor and tell him I'm hungry that the cage is too small I need space

12 years ago


By order of the Mayor it is anounced to everybody that a ferocious beast escaped from the park Ladies are requested to buy much food and not to leave their homes until the good times come again Whoever has a car should leave fast and go to the beach, to the country house, or the hotels The major takes responsibility making use of his powers to leave the ferocious beast without teeth

12 years ago


@xavipcg i als catalans, també.... ja t' ho puc ben assegurar......

12 years ago


de donde es?

12 years ago


@amigotron Si, a vore si tenim sort i si, fa pena

12 years ago


@masdavall112 A viam si teniu sort ara a les municipals i es fa justícia d'una vegada per totes...Que en trets generals, i de cara als medis (manipulats) el País Valencià fot pena...//*//

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